thestoryof abook,film,play, etc.:
情节Themoviehas a verysimpleplot.这部电影情节很简单。
The plotsofhisbooksarebasicallyall the same.他的书情节基本上都一样。
- The movie's plothingeson acaseofmistakenidentity.
- Ittakesafairamountofconcentrationtofollowthe movie'slabyrinthineplot.
- There are so many differentstrandsto the plot that it'squitehard tofollow.
- There's anunexpectedtwistin/to the plot towards the end of themovie.
- Ienjoyedthemovie, but I couldn'tfollowall the intricacies of the plot.
Accounts and stories
- anecdote
- another
- anti-narrative
- be another storyidiom
- bodice-ripper
- brushstroke
- cautionary tale
- legend
- legendary
- lore
- misdescription
- multi-stranded
- myth
- rundown
- running commentaryphrase
- scenario
- shaggy-dog story
- short story
- strand
- writesomethingup
asecretplanmade by severalpeopleto do something that iswrong,harmful, or notlegal,especiallyto dodamageto apersonor agovernment:
秘密计划;阴谋The plot wasdiscoveredbefore it wascarriedout.这项阴谋还未得逞就暴露了。
[+ to infinitive]Thepolicehavefoileda plottoassassinatethepresident.警方挫败了一个刺杀总统的阴谋。
- adevilishplot
- Theyuncovereda plot todestabilizethegovernment.
- Theconspirators' plotfailedbecause they made twofatalmiscalculations.
- Guy Fawkes wasexecutedfortreasonafter he tookpartin a plot toblowup the British Parliamentbuilding.
- It was inAugustof 1978 that the Boltonbrothershatchedtheirplot tokilltheirparents.
Plotting & trapping
- be in league withsomeoneidiom
- cahoots
- catchsomeoneout
- chemtrail
- chicanery
- conspiracy theory
- conspirator
- conspire
- entrap
- entrapment
- hatch
- plotter
- pretext
- pretextual
- put-up job
- scheme
- setsomethingup
- sting
- trap
- wheeze
asmallpieceoflandthat has beenmarkedormeasuredfor aparticularpurpose:
There are several plotsoflandforsale.有好几块地要出售。
Geography: areas of land in general
- berm
- bioregion
- curtilage
- demesne
- ecoregion
- enclosure
- ground
- interior
- interlacustrine
- intermountain
- landbank
- non-desert
- orography
- parcel
- patch
- reach
- swathe
- sweep
- tract
示意图(或图表)Tables, graphs & diagrams
- abscissa
- asymptote
- asymptotic
- bar chart
- bar graph
- block graph
- coordinate
- diagram
- flowchart
- graph paper
- Mind Map
- normal distribution
- organigram
- pictogram
- projection
- replot
- scatter diagram
- tabular
- vertical axis
- y-axis
the plot thickens
tomarkordrawsomething on apieceofpaperor amap
to makemarksto show theposition,movement, ordevelopmentof something, usually in theformoflinesorcurvesbetween aseriesofpointson amaporpieceofpaper:
在图上标绘…的位置;绘制…的图;标出…的航线Radaroperatorsplotted thecourseof theincomingmissile.雷达操作员标绘出了来袭导弹的轨迹。
We've plottedourprojectedcostsfor the comingyear, and they show abigincrease.我们绘制出了来年的预计成本曲线,从中可以看出成本将大幅增加。
Maps & map-making
- atlas
- cartographer
- cartographic
- chart
- compass rose
- contoured
- contouring
- coord
- coordinate
- elevation
- isotherm
- resurvey
- road map
- satnav
- site map
- survey
- the Ordnance Survey
- the prime meridian
- triangulation
- trig point
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Tables, graphs & diagrams
to make asecretplanto do somethingwrong,harmful, orillegal:
密谋;策划Thearmyis plotting theoverthrowof thegovernment.军队正密推翻政府。
I can'tbelievethat he's plottingagainsthis ownfather.我难以相信他正暗中和自己的父亲作对。
[+ to infinitive]They're plotting(together)totake over thecompany.他们在(一起)谋划接管该公司。
to make asecretplanto do somethingfunnyorenjoyableto or for someone:
密谋,策划(开某人的玩笑)[+ to infinitive]They're plottingtoplayatrickontheirbrother.他们正密谋捉弄他们的哥哥。
He's plotting asurprisepartyfor his wife'sbirthday.他在偷偷为妻子的生日策划一个惊喜聚会。
Plotting & trapping
- be in league withsomeoneidiom
- cahoots
- catchsomeoneout
- chemtrail
- chicanery
- conspiracy theory
- conspirator
- conspire
- entrap
- entrapment
- hatch
- plotter
- pretext
- pretextual
- put-up job
- scheme
- setsomethingup
- sting
- trap
- wheeze
to write the plot for something:
为…设计情节SofarI've only plotted(out)thestoryin aroughform.到目前为止,我仅仅构思出了故事的基本框架。
Writing & typing
- asemic
- bashsomethingout
- borrow
- calligrapher
- carriage return
- fair
- jot
- minute
- overwrite
- re-registration
- readability
- recompose
- reformulate
- registration
- rekey
- scribble
- touch-type
- unwritten
- writ
- writing