asmallplasticorrubberobjectwith two or threemetalpins,attachedto the end of awireon apieceofelectricalequipmentandpushedinto aspecialopeningin awalltoconnecttheequipmentto asupplyofelectricity:
插头a three-pin/two-pin plug三相/两相插头
tofit/changea plug安装/更换插头
If a plug iswiredincorrectly, it can bedangerous.如果插头接线不对会很危险。

Fotonen/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
插座Is there a plug in thebedroomthat I can use for myhairdryer?卧室里有没有插座让我用一下电吹风?

4FR/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
US(UKjack plug)
ametalpinat the end of alongwirejoinedto apieceofelectricalequipmentand used toconnectit to anotherpieceofelectricalequipment
Tevarak/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
informalforspark plug
火花塞(spark plug的非正式说法)- It's nowonderyourshaverisn'tworking. There's alooseconnectionin the plug.
- Thiscableshould have a plug at one end and asocketat the other.
Electrical switches & connections
- clicker
- coaxial
- corded
- dimmer
- dimmer switch
- junction box
- national grid
- outlet
- override
- patch
- pause
- plug(something)in/plug(something)intosomething
- plug-in
- powerbank
- push-button
- putsomethingon
- spark plug
- switchboard
- terminal
- wire
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
The engine & engine parts
plugnoun[C](FOR HOLE)
asmallpieceofrubber,plastic,wood, etc. thatfitsinto aholeinordertocloseit
塞子,栓子See also
a roundpieceofrubberorplasticthatfitsinto theholein asinkor abath:
Put the plug in thesinkandrunsomewater.把洗涤槽排水孔塞上,然后放些水。

msg-s/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
asmallpieceofplasticorwoodthat you put into aholein awallbefore putting ascrewinto it
(打入墙上孔内以拧进螺钉的)螺钉楔子,螺钉栓塞asmallpieceofmaterialsuch ascottonwool,twistedorpressedtightlyso it isfirm
棉球,药棉Lids, covers and stoppers
- bezel
- bottle cap
- bottle top
- coozy
- cosy
- crystal
- jacket
- Koozie
- lid
- liner
- nozzle
- pen lid
- piano lid
- sleeve
- stopper
- stubby holder
- tab
- tea cosy
- tight-fitting
- zarf
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Bathroom fixtures & fittings
Medical dressings, supports & devices
(UKalsoplug plant);(USalsostarter plug)
a verysmall,youngplantin asmallamountofsoil, oftensoldin acontainerwithsectionsthat eachcontainaplant:
You canraiseseedas plugs thissummerandintroducetheplantsinto thegardenin theautumn.
Look out for plugplantsingardencentres.
Types of plant
- amaranth
- Andromeda
- annual
- arborescent
- beanstalk
- grower
- gymnosperm
- hardiness
- hardy
- herb
- mossy
- mugwort
- mustard
- non-hardy
- non-legume
- starter plug
- succulent
- sundew
- tenderness
- tomatillo
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Gardening - general words
theactoftellingpeoplepubliclyabout aproduct,event, etc.:
宣传;推荐She nevermissesanopportunityto get in a plugforher newfilm.她从来不会错过向公众宣传自己新片的机会。
Advertising and marketing
- ad
- ad agency
- adman
- advert
- advertise
- cross-selling
- customer relationship management
- detoxify
- dogfooding
- flyer
- non-brand
- o.n.o.
- obo
- off-brand
- on-brand
- stunt
- superhype
- teaser
- telemarketing
- tie(something)in
toadvertisesomething bytalkingabout it a lot orpraisingit,especiallyon theradioortelevision:
(尤指通过广播或电视)宣传,推广Thatinterviewwas just a way for him to plug his newbook.那次采访只是宣传他的新书的一种方式。
They're plugging this newchocolatebareverywhereat themoment.此时他们正在到处宣传这种新巧克力。
Advertising and marketing
- ad
- ad agency
- adman
- advert
- advertise
- cross-selling
- customer relationship management
- detoxify
- dogfooding
- flyer
- non-brand
- o.n.o.
- obo
- off-brand
- on-brand
- stunt
- superhype
- teaser
- telemarketing
- tie(something)in
toshootsomeone with agun:
射击,射杀Sure,boss, we plugged theguy(fulloflead).是的,头儿,我们(乱枪)打死了那家伙。
- automatic
- blaster
- cannon
- cannonade
- cannonball
- carry
- cock
- go off
- gunnery
- gunpoint
- gunsmith
- kick
- machine gun
- pot
- shoot
- shootsomethingdown
- shoot up
- shooter
- sniper
- sniping
plugverb[T](FILL HOLE)
tofillaholewith apieceofsuitablematerial:
堵;塞;填Have you plugged thatleak(=stoppedit byfillingthehole)in thepipe?你把管子上的裂缝堵起来了吗?
Mynosewasbleedingand I plugged itwithcottonwool.我鼻子流血了,便塞了棉球止血。
Filling and completing
- backfill
- box ticking
- brick
- brick upsomething
- brim
- fill
- gas
- jam
- overcrowd
- overrun
- pack
- packsomething/somewhereout
- permeate
- pervade
- round
- stuffing
- suffuse
- supersaturated
- takesomethingup
- tank up
Phrasal verbs
plug away
plug intosomething