theactofdedicatingyourself to areligioustaskorjob(=decidingthat you will do it with allyourenergyandeffort):
Wediscussedwhetherourheartswerereadyfor self-consecration toGod.
- The Spirit isholybecause he isintrinsicto God’s self-consecration.
- Theyteachthat the fourstepsof self-consecrationincludeadeeploveandawefor theworthinessofGod.
- God’s self-consecration – thepuremajestywith which hewillsandestablisheshimself as who he is –includeshisconsecrationof thecreature.
Religious practices
- agarbatti
- allocution
- anoint
- anointment
- baptize
- evangelize
- faith healing
- flagellate
- flagellation
- fleishig
- genuflect
- proselyte
- proselytize
- prostration
- purdah
- rebaptize
- reborn
- sanctify
- unbaptized
- unction