formaluk/ɪˈmɒd.ə.sti/us/ɪˈmɑː.də.sti/thefactof having too high anopinionof yourself:
自负,不谦虚Hishonestyis sometimesinterpretedas immodesty.他的诚实有时被解释为不谦虚。
Hedubbedhis CommunityChurch, withcharacteristicimmodesty, theWhiteHouse.他将他的社区教堂称为白宫,这是他典型的自负表现。
theactofshowingtoo much of thebody:
过度裸露Hethoughttheadvertisementshowedimmodesty and an overabundantdisplayofflesh.他认为这则广告过度裸露,过分暴露肉体。
Theyprotestedagainst immodesty ofdress.他们对过度裸露的衣着提出抗议。
- Theydisplaytheoptimismand immodesty whichseemstocharacterizemanySiliconValleyfirms.
- Shetalkswithself-confidenceandirrepressibleimmodesty.
- Some of theactorswerecastmore fortheirimmodesty thantheirsingingvoices.
Showing arrogance and conceit
- (as) proud as Luciferidiom
- airs and gracesidiom
- arrogant
- arrogantly
- as ifyouowned the placeidiom
- dog
- egocentric
- egocentrically
- egoistic
- egomaniacal
- overweeningly
- patronize
- patronizing
- pomposity
- pompous
- talk down tosomeone
- think the (whole) world revolves aroundyouidiom
- throwyourweight aroundidiom
- tin god
- toffee-nosed
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