phrasal verbwithimputeverbuk/ɪmˈpjuːt/us/ɪmˈpjuːt/
to say that someone isresponsiblefor something that hashappened, or that something is thecauseof somethingelse:
They imputed theerrorto thelawyerwho washandlinghercase.
Concluding and deducing
- analysis
- deduce
- deducible
- deductive
- diagnosis
- draw
- drawn
- in the last/final analysisidiom
- inconclusively
- inductive
- inductively
- infer
- must
- put
- putsomethingdown tosomething
- put two and two together and make fiveidiom
- put two and two togetheridiom
- reason
- syllogism
- syllogistic
tobelievethat someone or something has aparticularcharacteristic,quality, ormeaning:
Hearrogantlyimputedstupidityto anyone whodisagreedwith him.
Imagining and conceiving
- assume
- beyondyourwildest dreamsidiom
- blue-sky
- conceivable
- conceivably
- guess
- imagine
- inyourmind's eyeidiom
- inconceivably
- lay the foundation(s) of/foridiom
- look on/uponsomeone/somethingassomething
- mental image
- reach
- regard
- revisualization
- riot
- run riotidiom
- theorize
- think ofsomething
- throw