inside acontainer,place, orarea, orsurroundedorclosedoff by something:
在(…)里面,在(…)内IsMarkstill inbed?马克还在睡觉吗?
I gotstuckin atrafficjamforhalfanhour.我堵车堵了半个小时。
Theylivein acharmingoldhouse.他们住在一幢可爱的老屋内。
How much is thatcoatondisplayin thewindow(= in thespacebehind thewindowof theshop)?橱窗内展示的那件大衣多少钱?
I've got apainin my back.我背疼。
What's that inyourhand?你手里拿的是什么东西?
I've got something in(= on thesurfaceof)myeye.我眼睛里进了东西。
They used toliveinParis, but now they'resomewherein Austria.他们以前住在巴黎,但现在住在奥地利的某个地方。
He's alwayslookingat himself in themirror(= at theimageof hisfaceproducedby themirror).他老是在镜子前照来照去。
I neverknowwhat's going on in herhead(= what she'sthinkingabout).我从来不知道她在想什么。
My daughter's inhospital(USin thehospital) having hertonsilsout.我女儿在住院切除扁桃体。
USIs Erika still inschool(= does she still go toschool)?埃丽卡还上学吗?
- I go to thecheapesthairdresser's intown.
- "I can'tfindmykeys." "Have anothercheckinyourjacketpockets."
- He is one of thetopchefsinBritain.
- Shesatin the dentist'swaitingroom,nervouslychewingat hernails.
- Thechlorinein thepoolmakes myeyessore.
In & at
- depth
- en-
- endogenous
- from withinidiom
- hereunder
- in-house
- indoor
- indoors
- inner
- inner circle
- innermost
- inside
- interior
- inward
- midst
- on a dimeidiom
- therein
- thick
- track
- ubiety
into something:
到…里面Come on, we're late - get in thecar.快点儿,我们迟到了——快上车。
Put themilkback in thefridgewhen you'vefinishedwith it.喝完牛奶后把它放回冰箱。
Theythrewhim in theswimmingpool.他们把他扔进了游泳池。
Inserting and forcing things into other things
- bed
- cram
- dig
- dig(something)intosomeone/something
- embed
- embedded
- gouging
- inset
- interlace
- interpolation
- interposition
- intersperse
- lodge
- reinsertion
- rethread
- shoehorn
- squash
- stick
- stuck
- wedge
formingapartof something:
在…中,在…内He used to be theleadsingerin arockband.他曾是一支摇滚乐队的主唱。
There are too manyspellingmistakesin thisessay.这篇文章中的拼写错误太多。
I've beenwaitingin thisqueueforages.我在这个队伍里排了很长时间了。
What do youlookfor in arelationship?你想从情爱关系中得到什么?
I canseeafuturechampionin Joely(= Ithinkthat Joely mightbecomeachampion).我觉得乔利将来会成为冠军。
Talent like hers israrein someone soyoung.像她这样年轻又有如此才能者实属罕见。
- Hesingsin thechurchchoir.
- Afteryearsofchasingherdreams, shefinallygot apartin afilm.
- Centre all theheadingsin thisdocument.
- Thecameraworkin some of theseanimaldocumentariesisfantastic.
- There's somewonderfulcalligraphyin theseoldmanuscripts.
In & at
- depth
- en-
- endogenous
- from withinidiom
- hereunder
- in-house
- indoor
- indoors
- inner
- inner circle
- innermost
- inside
- interior
- inward
- midst
- on a dimeidiom
- therein
- thick
- track
- ubiety
duringpartor all of aperiodoftime:
在…期间We're going to Italy inApril.我们将在4月去意大利。
Sometreeslosetheirleavesin (the)autumn.有些树秋天落叶。
Istartedworkinghere in 2009.我从2009年开始在这儿工作。
Life in the 19thcenturywas very different from what it is now.19世纪时的生活与现在大不相同。
Bye,seeyou in themorning(=tomorrowmorning).再见,明早见。
She was abrilliantgymnastin heryouth(= when she wasyoung).她年轻时是个优秀的体操运动员。
How manyciviliansdiedin the Vietnam War?越南战争中有多少平民死亡?
This is the firstcigaretteI've had in threeyears.这是我3年来抽的第一支烟。
I haven't had adecentnight'ssleepinyears/ages(= for alongtime).我很久没有好好睡过一觉了。
in between
between the twotimesmentioned:
在期间I havebreakfastat 7.30,lunchat 1.00, and sometimes asnackin between.我7点30分吃早饭,下午1点吃午饭,有时在这之间吃一点儿零食。
- Thebathroomgetschillyin thewinter.
- I was told off fortalkinginclass.
- I don'tthinkwe shouldexpandourbusinessin thecurrenteconomicclimate.
- Ourcostshaveclimbedrapidlyin the last fewyears.
- Spain wasadmittedto theEuropeanCommunity in 1986.
Describing when something happened or will happen
- at
- at short noticeidiom
- be
- by
- coincident
- demand
- for
- hundred
- immediately
- line
- movable feast
- on
- on demandidiom
- one
- space
- time
- timestamp
- within
- zero hour
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
In & at
inpreposition(NO MORE THAN)
needingor using no moretimethan aparticularamountoftime:
在…之内Can youfinishthejobin twoweeks?你能在两周内完成这项工作吗?
She could get thatessaydone in acoupleofhoursif she reallytried.如果她真的尽力的话,她可在几小时内完成那篇文章。
Theycompletedthejourneyinrecordtime(=fasterthaneverdone before).他们完成行程耗时之短前所未有。
- I canrunamilein 5minutes.
- There's no way I cantypeup thiswholereportin onemorning!
- Heexplainedthewholesystemin about 30seconds- he doesn'twastewords, does he?
- I didn'tthinkthey would get all thebedroomsredecoratedin just oneday.
- Myletterarrivedin twodays, Mum said.
Until a particular moment
- before
- day
- far
- hitherto
- inside
- interim
- meantime
- now
- pending
- thus
- till
- time
- to
- to dateidiom
- until
- up to(doing) somethingidiom
- wait
- yet
inpreposition(BEFORE THE END)
before or at the end of aparticularperiod:
在…结束之前;在…结束之时Dinner will bereadyin tenminutes.晚饭将在10分钟后准备好。
We'll all bedeadin a hundredyearsso there's nopointworryingabout it.百年后我们都已死去,因此为此担心是没有必要的。
I'm just setting off, so I should be with you inhalfanhour.我正要出发,所以我半小时后应该会到你那里。
- We've got twoclearweekstofinishthedecorating.
- Jim'scarhasclocked(up) 40 000milesin less than twoyears.
- Anyone who's late forworkthreetimesin oneweekgets a writtenwarningfrom theboss.
- Hemanagedtopayoff hisdebtsin twoyears.
- I'll beseeingPat in a fewdays/in a fewdays'time.
In the future & soon
- ahead
- ahead of
- all in good timeidiom
- anon
- away
- come
- hereon
- in forsomethingidiom
- in the course of timephrase
- in the fullness of timeidiom
- in the long runidiom
- shortly
- someday
- sometime
- soon
- sooner or lateridiom
- space
- then
- yet
experiencingasituationorcondition, orfeelinganemotion:
处于…中;处于…状态Wewatchedinhorroras theypulledthebodiesfrom thewreckage.我们惊恐地看着他们把尸体从残骸中拖了出来。
He'slivinginluxuryin thesouthof France.他正在法国南部过着奢侈的生活。
Sheleftin abitof ahurry.她离开时有点儿匆忙。
You're ingreatdanger.你很危险。
Could I have a word with you inprivate?我能私下与你谈谈吗?
Have youeverbeen inlove?你谈过恋爱吗?
Yourcar's in very goodcondition,consideringhowoldit is.鉴于你的汽车这么旧,车况算是很不错的了。
- They weredesperatelyinlovetobeginwith, but Ithinkit'sstartingtocooloff now.
- Hedrovesofastthat I reallyfeltmylifewas indanger.
- Although Isupporttheprojectinpublic, myprivateopinionis that it willfail.
- Theyclungtogether interroras thescreamsgrewlouder.
- Shewatchedinamazementas thefireworksexploded.
Experiencing and suffering
- (straight) from the horse's mouthidiom
- afflict
- affliction
- almost/nearly die ofsomethingidiom
- be a martyr tosomethingidiom
- be a victim ofyourown successidiom
- bear
- count
- get the short end of the stickidiom
- get/haveyourfingers burnedidiom
- go through
- grip
- hands-on
- horse
- ride
- seat-of-the-pants
- see lifeidiom
- stricken
- survive
- taste
expressedor written in aparticularway:
(表达或书写的方式)用,以Cheques should be written inink.支票要用墨水笔填写。
She usuallypaintsinwatercolour.她通常用水彩画画。
He alwaystalksin awhisper.他说话时声音总是那么小。
- Thedocumentis written inplainEnglish.
- All thelectureswere inFrench.
- Please writeyournameinblockcapitals.
- He made hisviewsknownin nouncertainterms.
- Theleafletisavailablein avarietyoflanguages.
In & at
- depth
- en-
- endogenous
- from withinidiom
- hereunder
- in-house
- indoor
- indoors
- inner
- inner circle
- innermost
- inside
- interior
- inward
- midst
- on a dimeidiom
- therein
- thick
- track
- ubiety
used when referring to something that is done as aresultof somethingelse:
(表示一事为另一事的结果)作为I'd like to do something for you inreturn/exchangefor everything you've done for me.我想为你做些事来报答你为我所做的一切。
Thechangesare inresponsetodemandfromourcustomers.这些变化是应我们顾客的要求而作出的。
Herefusedto say anything inreplyto thejournalists'questions.他拒绝对记者的提问作任何回答。
- It isillegalforpublicofficialstosolicitgiftsormoneyinexchangeforfavours.
- I'd like to do something for you inexchangefor everything you've done for me.
- Management havegranteda 10%payriseinresponsetounionpressure.
- Thechangesare inresponsetodemandfromourcustomers.
- Inreplytotheirquestions, she justshrugged.
Outcomes and consequences
- -ment
- aftereffect
- aftermath
- age
- be a monument tosomethingidiom
- bed
- end result
- fallout
- first fruit
- fruit
- implication
- ironically
- knock-on effect
- resultant
- resulting
- reverberation
- ripple effect
- sequel
- side effect
- spillover
used to show how things orpeoplearearrangedordivided:
(表示组织或划分方式)以,按照We allsatdown in acircle.我们大家围坐成一圈。
Thedeskswerearrangedinrowsof ten.课桌每10张排成一排。
Discounts areavailabletopeopletravellinginlargegroups.多人组团旅游享有折扣。
Sometimescustomersbuybooksin twos and threes, butrarelyinlargerquantitiesthan that.有时顾客会一次买两三本书,但很少超过这个数。
Cut thepotatoesin two.把土豆切成两半。
People aredyingintheirthousands fromcoldandstarvation.成千上万的人死于寒冷和饥饿。
- Kim'sbirthdaycakewas in theshapeof atrain.
- Luckily,helparrivedin theshapeof apoliceofficer.
- Theeventscame inquicksuccession.
- Most of Manhattan islaidout in agridpatternwithavenuesgoing north-south andstreetseast-west.
- Therepliescame back inonesand twos.
In & at
- depth
- en-
- endogenous
- from withinidiom
- hereunder
- in-house
- indoor
- indoors
- inner
- inner circle
- innermost
- inside
- interior
- inward
- midst
- on a dimeidiom
- therein
- thick
- track
- ubiety
used when referringapproximatelyto someone'sageor theweathertemperature:
(表示年龄、气温)在…左右Nowadays many women are intheirlatethirtieswhen they havetheirfirstchild.如今许多妇女生第一胎时都已经接近40岁了。
Temperatures will be inthemid-twenties(= about 25degrees).气温将在25度左右。
- He'sprobablyin his latetwenties.
- Thetemperatureisexpectedto be in thetwentiestomorrow.
- Hercareeronlybegantopickup when she was in herforties.
- My dad's in hisfifties.
- She was well into her 90s when shedied.
- -ish
- about
- approx.
- approximate
- approximately
- around
- loose
- loosely
- more
- more or lessidiom
- nonspecifically
- rough
- round
- rule
- sense
- some
- something
- something like 96 percent, half, etc.idiom
- somewhere
- sort
involvedorconnectedwith aparticularsubjectoractivity:
参与;从事;与…有关I neverknewyou were inpublishing.我以前从不知道你在出版界工作。
- She'shopingto get ajobinadvertising.
- Thetroopsreceivetrainingin anumberof differenttypesofwarfare.
- She has adegreeinFrenchfrom Manchester University.
- Changes inatmosphericpressureareproducingthesestrangeweatherconditions.
- There has been a lot ofresearchdone in thatparticularfield.
Taking part and getting involved
- actor
- all in
- along
- attendee
- be (a) party tosomethingidiom
- catch
- concern
- go in onsomething
- hat
- have a horse in the raceidiom
- have skin in the gameidiom
- horse
- immersion
- muscle
- neck
- plunge
- plunge in/plunge intosomething
- punch above your weightidiom
- re-engage
- re-engagement
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Including and containing
穿着Do yourecognizethat man in thegreysuit?你能认出那个穿着灰色西装的男人吗?
Pat can'tresistmen inuniform.帕特抗拒不了穿制服的男人的魅力。
- Youlookstrangein thatoutfit.
- You'll be toohotin thatjacket.
- Thechildrenweredressedinidenticaluniforms.
- You areexpectedtoarrivein theappropriateattire.
- Thephotographshowedlocalpeopleinnationalcostume.
Wearing clothes
- attired
- caped
- clad
- clothe
- clothed
- dressed (up) to the ninesidiom
- dresser
- French tuck
- garbed
- grow
- grow intosomeone/something
- have (got)somethingon
- mould
- nine
- sartorial
- sartorially
- stylish
- stylishly
- suit
- tog
inpreposition(COMPARING AMOUNTS)
used tocompareonepartof anamountof something with thetotalamountof it:
(表示比率)每…中Apparently one in tenpeople/onepersonin ten hasproblemswithreading.据说10个人中有1个阅读有问题。
UKThebasicrateofincometaxis 25pencein (USon) thepound.所得税基本税率是每英镑25便士。
- One in fiveproductswasfoundto bedefective.
- Thegradientof thehillincreasesto one in ten.
- Only one in every 50shoppersquestionedhadheardof the newproposals.
- Theprojectonly has a one in 20chanceofsuccess.
- Thechancesof thathappeningmust be one in a million!
- A, a
- complex fraction
- compound fraction
- deci-
- denominator
- eighteenth
- eighth
- fortieth
- fraction
- millionth
- mixed fraction
- ninth
- proper fraction
- seventh
- seventieth
- sixteenth
- sixth
- sixtieth
- thirteenth
- thirtieth
used to show whichcharacteristicorpartof apersonor thing is beingdescribed:
在…方面The newversionisworsein everyrespect- I muchpreferredtheoriginal.新版本在各方面都较差——我更喜欢原来的版本。
Are the twobagsequalinweight?两个包同样重吗?
She'sdeafin herleftear.她左耳失聪。
- In someways, Ipreferredtheoldversion.
- Intermsofvalueformoney, it's a gooddeal.
- The twoteamsareevenlymatchedinability.
- Thebagwasgreenincolour.
- What's thedifferenceincostbetween the twocars?
Conditions and characteristics
- -ance
- -ancy
- -ibility
- ability
- age
- ambience
- appearance
- character
- have it inyouidiom
- hood
- humanity
- in the shape ofsomethingidiom
- presentation
- respect
- shape
- trappings
- unaffiliated
- undercurrent
- undertone
- vibe
[+ -ing verb]
used to show when doing one thing is thecauseof another thinghappening:
因为,由于In refusing(= because sherefused)toworkabroad, shemissedanexcellentjobopportunity.由于拒绝去国外工作,她错过了一个极好的工作机会。
Thegovernmentbannedtobaccoadvertisingand, indoing so(= because of this),contributedgreatlyto the nation'shealth.政府禁止烟草广告,这样做对国民的健康大有裨益。
in thatformal
因为,由于Thisresearchisimportantin that itconfirmsthelinkbetweenaggressionandalcohol.这项研究非常重要,因为它证实了攻击行为和酗酒之间的联系。
- Inhelpingothers, I'mindirectlyhelpingmyself.
- Manintroducedthegreysquirrelto thesepartsand in doing soeffectivelywipedout theredsquirrel.
- Insteppingupyourexercise, you are alsosteppingupyourcalorierequirement.
- In asenseyou arehelpingher but in doing so, you are alsopreventingher fromhelpingherself.
- Inattractinginsectstoyourgarden, you are alsoattractingbirds.
Causing things to happen
- -induced
- activate
- activation
- actuation
- agent
- attribute
- attributesomethingtosomeone
- implementation
- inaugurate
- inauguration
- instate
- pioneer
- realization
- realize
- reattribute
- reawaken
- reimpose
- render
- seed
- spark
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Linguistics: connecting words which introduce a cause or reason
We use at:…In, into
In and into are prepositions.…In, into: position and direction
We use in to talk about where something is in relation to a larger area around it:…Into: enthusiasm, interest
We use be into to express enthusiasm or strong interest for something:…Change into,turn into
We use into after verbs describing change:…In: phrasal verbs
We use in to make a number of phrasal verbs:…At,inandto(movement)
We use to when we are talking about movement in the direction of a point, place, or position:…At,onandin(time)
We use at:…Other uses ofinwith time
We use in to say how long it takes someone to do something:…Time expressions withoutat, on, in
We don’t normally use at, on or in before time expressions beginning with each, every, next, last, some, this, that, one, any, all:…At,onandin(time): typical errors
We use on not at to talk about a particular day:…Idioms
be nothing/not much/very little in it
in all
in all honesty/seriousness/truthfulness
uk/ɪn/us/ɪn/inadverb(FROM OUTSIDE)
fromoutside, or towards thecentre:
从外面;朝中间;朝里Could youbringtheclothesin for me?你能帮我把衣服拿进来吗?
Theroofoftheirhousecaved in during ahurricane.他们的屋顶在飓风来袭时坍塌了。
Cut thepastryinto asquareandturnin thecorners.把油酥面团切成一个小方块,然后把四角向内叠起。
be in and out ofsomewhereinformal
to often bestayingin andreceivingtreatmentin aparticularplace:
经常出入于,是…的常客She's been in and out ofhospitalseversince theaccident.自从那次事故之后,她成了医院的常客。
- Push theclutchin, put thecarintogear,revtheengineand thengentlylettheclutchout.
- Thegoalkeeperwascaughtnappingand theballwentstraightin.
- We went in by thefrontdoor.
- Suddenly thedoorburstopenandpoliceofficerscarryinggunsrushedin.
- You have to take theneedleandpushitrightin.
In & at
- depth
- en-
- endogenous
- from withinidiom
- hereunder
- in-house
- indoor
- indoors
- inner
- inner circle
- innermost
- inside
- interior
- inward
- midst
- on a dimeidiom
- therein
- thick
- track
- ubiety
inadverb(AT PLACE)
athomeor atwork:
在家;在工作When did you gethome? I neverheardyou come in.你是什么时候回家的?我一直就没听见你进来。
Mr Ellis isn't in thisweek.埃利斯先生这个星期不工作。
Places and locations
- anatopism
- behind
- Cambrian
- capital
- coign of vantage
- direction
- drop-in
- far from the madding crowdidiom
- hill
- multi-location
- multi-site
- natal
- nestle
- nook
- position
- station
- technology park
- venue
- whereabouts
- World Heritage Site
within anobject,area, orsubstance:
在(某个物体,地区或实物)里面We've beenshutin allday.我们被关了一整天。
UKHas thesoupgot anysaltin?这汤放盐了吗?
In & at
- depth
- en-
- endogenous
- from withinidiom
- hereunder
- in-house
- indoor
- indoors
- inner
- inner circle
- innermost
- inside
- interior
- inward
- midst
- on a dimeidiom
- therein
- thick
- track
- ubiety
havingarrivedat theplacewherepeoplecan get on or off:
到达(上下车地点)Whattimeis Roz'sflightduein?罗兹的航班该什么时候到?
Arriving, entering and invading
- annex
- annexation
- be on the sceneidiom
- been
- break
- breaksomeonein
- hit
- intrude
- intrusion
- invade
- jump
- jump the queueidiom
- keep(someone/something)out
- land
- set foot insomewhereidiom
- show up
- trespass
- turn
- turn out
- turn up(somewhere)
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Boarding and alighting from modes of transport
given orsentto someoneofficialinorderto beread:
交给,呈上,递交When doesyouressayhave to be in?你的文章要什么时候交?
Remember to getyourapplicationin by the end of theweek.别忘了在周末前递交申请。
- Thereporthas to be in by the end of theweek.
- It'simportantthat you getyourapplicationin ontime.
- You should getyourinsuranceclaimin assoonaspossible.
- Allessaysmust be in byFriday14March.
- When doesyourtaxreturnhave to be in?
Giving, providing and supplying
- accommodate
- accord
- administer
- administration
- assignment
- award
- hand off
- handsomethingin
- handsomethingout
- handsomethingover
- handsomethinground
- invest
- lay
- passing
- rebid
- regift
- reprovision
- resource
- resupply
- spare
towards thecoast,beach, orharbour:
接近,抵达(海岸、沙滩或港口)Thetidecomes in veryquicklyhere and you cansoonfindyourselfstranded.这儿的潮水涨得很快,马上你就会发现自己被困住了。
Westoodwatchingtheshipcome in.我们站在那儿看船进港。
- We'll have towaituntil thetidecomes in.
- Becarefulnot to gettrappedwhen thetidecome in.
- Is thetidecoming in or going out?
- If thetidecomes in, we'll bestrandedon theserocks.
- Thetugtowedthedamagedshipback in.
Describing movement towards
- -ways
- at
- convergent
- earthward
- facing
- for
- forward
- forwards
- hither
- on
- oncoming
- onward
- onwards
- round
- thither
- to
- towards
- up
- ward
- wise
used to refer to anactivitythat makes somethingcomplete:
(表示完成某事物的活动)Justpencilin theanswerunlessyou'resureit'scorrect.如果对答案不是很确定就先用铅笔填。
Thetextisfinished, but thepictureswill have to bepastedinlater.文字完成了,但之后还得把图片贴上去。
UKWould youmindfillingin aquestionnaireabout what youwatchontelevision?请填写一份关于你收看的电视节目的调查问卷好吗?
- You canclaimback theoverpaidtaxbyfillingin thisform.
- I got on with thebusinessoffillingin theform.
- Thechildrenhad tocolourin thepictures.
- Fill in thegapswith thecorrectanswer.
- Have youfilledin theapplicationformforyourpassportyet?
Complete and whole
- (all) in one pieceidiom
- A, a
- absolute
- all or nothingidiom
- all-in-one
- all-inclusive
- fell
- from stem to sternidiom
- full-blown
- full-fledged
- full-length
- fully
- plain
- root
- thoroughly
- to the lastidiom
- totality
- toto
- unabridged
- unadulterated
If theballis in during agameoftennisor asimilarsport, it has not goneoutsidetheedgesof theareaon which thegameisplayed:
(网球等)在界内Iwonthatpoint, I'mtellingyou! Theballwasdefinitelyin!我敢说,我赢了那一分!球肯定在界内!
轮到上场(尤指击球)Who's in next forourteam?我们队下一个轮到谁?
Itstartedtorainjust asourteamwas going in tobat.刚轮到我们队击球就下起了雨。
In & at
- depth
- en-
- endogenous
- from withinidiom
- hereunder
- in-house
- indoor
- indoors
- inner
- inner circle
- innermost
- inside
- interior
- inward
- midst
- on a dimeidiom
- therein
- thick
- track
- ubiety
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
General terms used in ball sports
Winning, losing & scoring in sport
In, into
In and into are prepositions.…In, into: position and direction
We use in to talk about where something is in relation to a larger area around it:…Into: enthusiasm, interest
We use be into to express enthusiasm or strong interest for something:…Change into,turn into
We use into after verbs describing change:…In: phrasal verbs
We use in to make a number of phrasal verbs:…Idioms
be/get in withsomeone
in forsomething
in onsomething
be well in there
时髦的,流行的Highheelsare in thisseason.本季高跟鞋很流行。
The newjazzclubseemsto be the inplaceto go at themoment.这家新的爵士乐俱乐部好像是当前的热门去处。
- fashionableShe's so fashionable.
- in fashionTighter trousers for men are back in fashion.
- inShort jackets are in this season.
- coolHe was wearing a pair of cool sunglasses.
- hipWe went to the hip new club in town.
- trendyHe likes trendy clothes and modern furniture.
Modern & fashionable
- be (all) the rageidiom
- be having a momentidiom
- be the last word insomethingidiom
- futuristic
- get with the programmeidiom
- go ahead
- happening
- high-tech
- hipster
- snappily
- snappy
- snazzily
- snazzy
- sophisticated
- space-age
- the avant-garde
- up-to-the-minuteidiom
- way-out
- with it
- à la mode