thefactthat something is not good enough or is toosmallinamount:
不够好,劣质Economicgrowthishinderedby the inadequacies of thepublictransportsystem.经济发展受制于公共交通运输系统的不完善。
The inadequacy of thebudgetislikelytocauseproblems.预算的不足有可能会导致问题。
alackofconfidencethat makes youfeelunabletodealwith asituation:
(处理事情)信心不足I alwayssufferfromfeelingsof inadequacy when I'm with him.和他在一起时总觉得自己不如他,这让我感到不舒服。
Scarce, inadequate and not enough
- be at a premiumidiom
- be thin on the groundidiom
- dearth
- deficiency
- deficient
- gold dust
- long onsomethingand short onsomethingidiom
- lousy
- meagre
- measly
- mingy
- nearly
- scrubby
- shortage
- shortfall
- shortness
- shy
- skinny
- sparse
- thin
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Not of good quality
Shy and modest
Confidence & self-assurance