uk/paɪn/us/paɪn/B2[CorU](alsopine tree)
anevergreentree(= one that neverlosesitsleaves)thatgrowsincoolerareasof theworld:
松树aplantationof pines人工松林
a pineforest松林
See also
pine cone
pine needle
pine nut
Australian pine
bristlecone pine
Eastern white pine
lodgepole pine
longleaf pine
Norfolk Island pine
Norfolk pine
pitch pine
ponderosa pine
Scotch pine
Scots pine
scrub pine
Virginia pine
white pine

Dorian Kerido/EyeEm/ EyeEm/GettyImages
thewoodof pinetrees, usuallypaleincolour:
Pine is asoftwood.松木是一种软木。
See also
pine tar

Fabian Krause/EyeEm/Getty Images /GettyImages
the pine
inteamsports, thebench(= alongseatfor two or morepeople)on whichplayerssitwhen they are notplayingin agame:
Thecoachtold him he'dfindhimself on the pine if he didn'tstarthustlingandplayingbetter.
After making asloppyerror, herodethe pine(= did notplay)for the next twogames.
- There werevastexpansesofsandand pine.
- Pinetreesare notnativeto thispartof theworld.
- Thecampsiteis set in themiddleof a pineforest.
- Ilovethesmellof pinetrees.
Types of evergreen & coniferous tree
- Australian pine
- bristlecone pine
- cabbage palm
- carob
- Christmas tree
- fir
- gum tree
- hemlock
- holly
- ironbark
- Joshua tree
- monkey-puzzle
- Norfolk Island pine
- oleander
- pandan
- pitch pine
- spruce
- Virginia pine
- white pine
- yew
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Types of wood
Chairs & seats
Competing in sport
uk/paɪn/us/paɪn/(alsopine away)
to besadandupsetfor alongtime,especiallyafter thedeathof alovedperson:
Hisownerleft, and thedogjust pined.
Hiswifewaskilledin anaccidentin 1904 and he pined away anddiedsixmonthslater.
Becoming and making less strong
- abate
- abatement
- adulterate
- adulterated
- adulteration
- emasculation
- enervate
- enervating
- enfeeble
- enfeebled
- fade
- hedge
- melt
- relieve
- sink
- totter
- tottering
- turn to jellyidiom
- wane
- waste away
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Expressing and showing feelings
Phrasal verb
pine forsomething/someone