internet & telecomsspecializeduk/ˈpɪŋ.bæk/us/ˈpɪŋ.bæk/amessagesentto acomputerwhen alinkhas beencreatedto a person'sblogpostfrom anotherwebsite, so that they cancreatealinkto that otherwebsite:
(博客中自动通知其他网志系统文章被引用的)引用通知A pingback is aspecialtypeofcommentthat iscreatedwhen youlinkto anotherblogpost.“自动引用通知”是一种特殊类型的评注,当你链接到另一篇博客文章时就会自动创建。
Iturnedoff "allowtrackbacks and pingbacks".我关闭了 "允许参照和自动引用通知"功能。
- Isyourblogset up toacceptpingbacks?
- You willseea pingbackappearinyourcommentssection.
- Ever since yesterday’spostwe have beenhitwith aswarmof pingbacks andspam.
Internet terminology
- above/below the foldidiom
- address bar
- affiliate link
- affiliate marketing
- all-you-can-eat
- domain name
- internet
- internet café
- internet-enabled
- interweb
- IP
- keyboard warrior
- refresh
- shopping basket
- upvote
- user experience
- utility computing
- UX
- virally
- visitor