chicken scratch
mainlyUSuk/ˈtʃɪk.ɪn ˌskrætʃ/us/ˈtʃɪk.ɪn ˌskrætʃ/chicken scratchnoun(MARKS)
writing that isuntidyanddifficulttoread:
You might end up with thewrongmedicationifyourpharmacistcan’treadyourdoctor’schickenscratch.
Understanding hischickenscratcheswould've beendifficultenough, but hisEnglishwas reallyold-fashionedas well.
Using the chicken-scratchcursivescrawlof hislefthand, hebeganwriting.
athinstraightmarkon asurface:
(在物体表面上的)细线I gave mydaughtersomechalkand she madechickenscratchesandsoundedout hername.我给了女儿一些粉笔,她画了几道细线,并一边念自己的名字。
- Thedoctormay beunabletofindyourmedicalrecordsorperhapsunabletoreadthechickenscratchesmade by themedicalprofessionalwho had them last.
- Researchersspentmonthslearningtodecodehis chicken-scratch.
- He'sleft-handed, and hismothersaid that his penmanship waschickenscratch.
- I wasabletotrackdown mynotesfrom lasttime, and with the "chickenscratch" of myprevioustestrecipeinhandit waseasyto make someadjustments.
- Studies haveshownthatelectronicrecordscanreducemedicalerrors- sometimes theresultof chicken-scratchhandwriting.
- Thesymbolslookedlikechickenscratchesto him, allrightanglesandslashes.
- Wekeepaneyeon thewallsand takecareof anychickenscratchesthat show up.
Describing handwriting & print
- asemic
- crabbed
- crossed
- handwritten
- illegibility
- illegible
- illegibly
- indecipherable
- joined up
- legibility
- legible
- legibly
- non-character
- pencilled
- scratching
- spidery
- typewritten
- uncrossed
- writing
- written
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Patterns and shapes
chicken scratchnoun(FEED)
foodthatchickensenjoy, usually amixtureofseeds,droppedon thegroundfor them tofindinadditiontotheirmainfood:
(通常由什锦种籽构成的)刨食鸡饲料Given thatchickenscratchis atreat, it should notexceed10% oftheirdailyintake.刨食鸡饲料是一种奖励性食物,不应该超过每日摄入量的10%。
Asitsnameimplies,chickenscratchis something thatchickenswillscratcharound in thedirttofindandeat.顾名思义,刨食鸡饲料就是让鸡在泥土中抓来抓去寻找和进食的东西。
- Theyextractfatandproteinthat then isaddedto everything fromdogfoodtochickenscratch.
- Theusualingredientsincludedinchickenscratcharecrackedorrolledcorn,barley,oats,wheat,sunflowerseeds, milo andmillet.
Animal food
- alfalfa
- bird feeder
- birdseed
- buckwheat
- cattle cake
- feedstock
- fodder
- forage
- hay
- haylage
- herbage
- oats
- pasture
- pigswill
- rye
- salt lick
- silage
- treat
- trough
- water
chicken scratch
(alsochicken-scratch)uk/ˈtʃɪk.ɪnˌskrætʃ/us/ˈtʃɪk.ɪnˌskrætʃ/to write something in anuntidyway that isdifficulttoread:
Here are acoupleof back-of-the-napkinexamplesthat Ichickenscratchedoverlunch.
Hestruggledtoreadher chicken-scratchednotes.
Most men do notdecoratetheirpenmanship. They just chicken-scratch.
Describing handwriting & print
- asemic
- crabbed
- crossed
- handwritten
- illegibility
- illegible
- illegibly
- indecipherable
- joined up
- legibility
- legible
- legibly
- non-character
- pencilled
- scratching
- spidery
- typewritten
- uncrossed
- writing
- written