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podnoun[C](PLANT)along,narrow,flatpartof someplants, such asbeansandpeas, thatcontainstheseedsand usually has athickskin: 荚;荚果seedpods心皮 apea/vanillapod豌豆荚/香子兰荚  Jenny Dettrick/Moment/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesParts of plants - bilobed
- blade
- bough
- bulb
- calyx
- caning
- cascara sagrada
- corolla
- endodermis
- needle
- outgrowth
- rhizome
- simple leaf
- spine
- stoma
- tea leaf
- variegation
- vascular
- veined
- vesicle
See more results » podnoun[C](STRUCTURE)along,narrowcontainerthat isattachedto anaircraftforcarryingengines,weapons,extrafuel, etc.: 吊舱;(翼梢等上的)发射架;副油箱anescape/storage/fuelpod逃生/储藏/燃料舱 aspacepod太空舱 asmallsimplebuilding, or asmallsimplestructurein abuilding, oftenroundedinshape: You cancamp, orstayin a single-storey "eco pod" with awood-burningstove.你可以露营,也可以住在单层的“生态小屋”,里面有烧柴的炉子。 Theclubhas beenfittedwithwoodensleepingpods for thehomeless.  Ashley Cooper/Corbis Documentary/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAir travel: parts of aeroplanes - aileron
- aisle
- altimeter
- autopilot
- bulkhead
- finny
- fixed-wing
- flaperon
- flight deck
- multi-engine
- nose
- nose cone
- propeller
- safety belt
- skid
- spoiler
- stabilizer
- starboard
- tail light
- wing
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: podnoun[C](GROUP)USagroupofpeoplewho have a lot ofcontactwith each other butlimitedcontactwithpeopleoutsidethegroup, forexampleas a way toavoidspreadingdisease: Publichealthofficialsrecommendthat pods be nolargerthan 12peoplewholiveacrossthreehouseholds. Pods are beingcreatedduring thepandemictoprovidechildcareforchildrenwho are notattendingschoolinperson. agroupofseamammalssuch aswhalesordolphins 海洋哺乳动物(如鲸鱼、海豚等) Corey Ford/Stocktrek Images/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGroups of people - alliance
- an
- anti-gang
- assemblage
- babyboomer
- bunch
- flashmob
- flock
- focus group
- foursome
- fraternity
- mafia
- sandwich generation
- silent majority
- sisterhood
- special interest group
- splinter group
- squad
- suspect
- syndicate
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Medicines & drugs: preventing infection Animal groupings abbreviationforprintondemand: a way ofproducingbooksor otherdocumentsin whichcopiesareprintedonly after they have beenordered 随需印刷(出版物只有当收到订单之后才印刷,print on demand的缩写)SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPublishing: printing & word processing - 3-D printing
- backspace
- bed
- boldface
- boldfaced
- Braille
- compose
- indent
- indentation
- inline
- intaglio printing
- italic
- print run
- printsomethingout
- printed
- printing
- printing press
- rubber stamp
- stamp
- xerography
See more results » (Definition ofpodfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)podnoun[C](PLANT)along,narrow,flatpartof someplants, such asbeansandpeas, thatcontainstheseedsand usually has athickskin 荚;荚果seedpods心皮 apea/vanillapod豌豆荚/香子兰荚 podnoun[C](STRUCTURE)along,narrowcontainerthat isattachedto anaircraftforcarryingengines,weapons,extrafuel, etc. 吊舱;(翼梢等上的)发射架;副油箱anescape/storage/fuelpod逃生/储藏/燃料舱 aspacepod太空舱 asmallsimplebuilding, oftenroundedinshape (通常为圆形的)简易小屋You cancamp, orstayin a single-storey "eco pod" with a wood-burningstove.你可以露营,也可以住在单层的“生态小屋”,里面有烧柴的炉子。 podnoun[C](WHALES/DOLPHINS)agroupofseamammalssuch aswhalesordolphins 海洋哺乳动物(如鲸鱼、海豚等) abbreviationforprintondemand: a way ofproducingbooksor otherdocumentsin whichcopiesareprintedonly after they have beenordered 随需印刷(出版物只有当收到订单之后才印刷,print on demand的缩写) alongseedcontainerthatgrowson someplants: (Definition ofpodfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)COMMERCEwritten abbreviationforpayment on delivery (Definition ofPODfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofpodpod The nature of thepodwall and accessibility of stylets to plant sap are probably factors responsible for this preference.From theCambridge English Corpus Concurrent with these increases in vegetative growth, the removal treatments delayed fruiting and decreasedpodyields, but had no effects onpodsize.From theCambridge English Corpus In tomato/cowpea intercropping, all cowpea pods were harvested at maturity and dried to a moisture content of 120 g water/kg fresh weight.From theCambridge English Corpus Forpodyield, plants were harvested from an undisturbed net plot area of 4.8 m2 at maturity.From theCambridge English Corpus Younger pods have less thickened cell walls that could be penetrated more easily and are believed to have more accessible sap.From theCambridge English Corpus The eclogite sheets and pods are generally sheared and retrogressed to amphibolites at the margins of such bodies.From theCambridge English Corpus In the present study, most pods harvested from the treated plants after 15 weeks were without blemishes and of adequate size, therefore marketable.From theCambridge English Corpus Some of the conclusions run counter to common plantation practice such as leaving damaged and rotting pods amongst the cocoa trees.From theCambridge English Corpus Variation inpodcounts within clones ranged up to 500-fold.From theCambridge English Corpus There was a two-fold variation between genotypes in the number of pods per plant, with up to 400-fold variation within clones.From theCambridge English Corpus Occasionally it contains pods (greater than 1 cm) of black sandstone enriched in carbon and pyrite.From theCambridge English Corpus The variation in number of -owers or pods per in-orescence has been investigated by several researchers who obtained inconsistent results.From theCambridge English Corpus The total produce of maize cobs and pods of any intercrops from each plot were weighed and subsamples taken to determine oven-dry grain weight.From theCambridge English Corpus For shelling percentage, 200 g of groundnut pods, and 10 maize ears, randomly sampled, were shelled per treatment plot.From theCambridge English Corpus The last collection took place when the pods were considered completely mature (dark-brown pods).From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/pod## |