a child'stoythat consists of astickwithbrightlycolouredpiecesofplasticat one end thatturnaround when youblowthem orholdthetoyin thewind:
玩具风车He gave the pinwheel aplayfulspinwith hisfinger.

malerapaso/ iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Beside thebenchwas a pinwheel and anarrangementofartificialflowers.
- Use a pinwheel to show thebabyhow topuckerup andblow.
- As thelightisabsorbedandradiatedby these odd-shapedobjects, theybecomelike pinwheels in abreeze.
Toys & dolls
- balloon
- building block
- catapult
- chew toy
- doll's pram
- fidget
- fidget spinner
- finger puppet
- go-kart
- marble
- mud pie
- rocking horse
- snow globe
- sock puppet
- soft toy
- squirt gun
- squishy
- stacker
- teddy
- tricycle
asmallitemtoeatthat is made byrollingup aflatpieceofpastry,bread, or otherfoodwith somekindof otherfoodspreadontop, andslicingit intothincircles:
Place the pinwheels about 1-inchaparton thebakingsheet.
- Roll thedoughup andslicetoformpinwheels.
- Theytuckedinto thesalmonpinwheelshungrily.
- Let the pinwheelscoolon thebakingsheetsonwireracksfor 10minutes.
Pastry & pies
- apple pie
- baked goods
- banoffee pie
- barquette
- bear claw
- custard tart
- Danish pastry
- elephant ear
- empanada
- Linzer torte
- millefeuille
- mince pie
- mincemeat
- napoleon
- puff pastry
- quiche
- rough puff pastry
- samosa
- sausage roll
- éclair