review verb (THINK AGAIN )
C1 [T ] tothinkortalkabout something again, inorderto makechangesto it or to make adecisionabout it:
审查;仔细审核 Thecommitteeis reviewing thecurrentarrangement/situation. 委员会正在审查目前的安排/研究当前的形势。
Let's review what hashappenedsofar. 我们谈谈到目前为止发生的事情吧。
He reviewed hisoptionsbefore making afinaldecision. 他在最后作出决定之前,对各种选择进行了斟酌权衡。
Withexamsapproaching, it's a goodideato reviewyourclassnotes. He reviewsfilmsfor thelocalnewspaper. Yourstartingsalaryis £13 000perannumand will be reviewedannually. Thelawsgoverningthepossessionoffirearmsare being reviewed. Thecompanyis reviewingitssecurityafter therobbery. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAnalysing and evaluating
adjudication analysable analyse analyser dive enquiry gauge go over go through have the measure ofsomeone/something idiom inspect inspection probe reinterpret reinterpretation reinvestigate reinvestigation research scratch the acid test See more results »
review verb (WRITE/TALK ABOUT )
B2 [T ] Ifcritics review abook,play,film, etc. they writetheiropinionof it:
评论 I only go toseefilmsthat are reviewedfavourably. 我只去看那些获得好评的电影。
[T ] education specialized todescribethe mostimportantfactsin apieceofacademicresearch (=detailedstudyof asubject) that you haveread, and giveyouropinionof theresearch:
Weaver reviewed more than 200peer-reviewed,scientificpapersaboutcloning.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesAnalysing and evaluating
adjudication analysable analyse analyser dive enquiry gauge go over go through have the measure ofsomeone/something idiom inspect inspection probe reinterpret reinterpretation reinvestigate reinvestigation research scratch the acid test See more results »
review verb (MILITARY )
[T ] When animportantpersonreviewsmilitaryforces, theyformallyvisitandlookat them:
检阅(部队) The Queen reviewed thetroopson herrecentvisit. 在最近的访问中,女王检阅了部队。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMilitary training & ceremonies
assault course attention civil defence drill ease fall fall in fatigue fight song march obstacle course pass out passing-out recon reconnaissance route march salute take the salute idiom tour troop See more results »
review verb (STUDY )
[I orT ] US
(UK revise ) tostudyagain something you have alreadylearned, inpreparationfor anexam:
学习 We're reviewing (algebra)for thetesttomorrow. 我们正在为明天的(代数)考试进行复习。
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto study something
studyWhat do you plan on studying at university? majorUS She majored in philosophy at Harvard. cramShe's cramming for her history exam. reviseUK I'm revising for tomorrow's test. reviewUS We're going to review for the test tomorrow night. researchScientists are researching possible new treatments for cancer. See more results »
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLearning & knowing
absorptive capacity acquire acquisition assimilate autodidact extension familiar journey non-academic non-library onboard onboarding outlearn shadow sit uncultivated uncultured unlearnable unteachable upskill See more results »
review noun (THINK AGAIN )
C2 [C orU ] theactofconsideringsomething again inorderto makechangesto it, give anopinionof it orstudyit:
审查;仔细审核 anannualreviewof companyperformance 对公司业绩每年一度的审核
a reviewof the year'stopnewsstories 评审年度重大新闻事件
Salarylevelsareunder review at themoment. 目前正对工资水平进行评审。
Yourlicencewillcome up for review everyJuly. 你的执照每年7月要接受审核。
There's agenerousreview of thebookin today'snewspaper. The reviewexposedwidespreadcorruptionin thepoliceforce. Thegovernmenthasorderedajudicialreview. The reviews of hislatestmovieshave beenhighlycomplimentary. A review of the firm'ssafetyproceduresrevealedseriousproblems. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesJudgments and analyses
analysis anatomy appraisal appraisee assessment construction counter-interpretation impact statement interpretation job evaluation judgment misanalysis notice rap rating re-evaluation re-review restudy self-appraisal verdict See more results »
review noun (BOOK/FILM )
B1 [C ] areportin anewspaper,magazine, orprogrammethat gives anopinionabout a newbook,film, etc.:
评论 Derek writesfilm/theatre/book reviews for thenewspapers. 德里克为报纸写影/剧/书评。
Theplaygot excellentreviews when it was firstseen. 这部剧首演就获得了极高的评价。
education specialized apieceof writing thatdescribesthemainfactsin apieceofacademicresearch (=detailedstudyof asubject) that you haveread, and givesyouropinionof it:
More than 500scientistscontributedto amassivereview ofpublishedresearch.
[C usually singular ] a (partof a)newspaperormagazinethat hasarticlesonfilms,books,travel,famouspeople, etc.:
评论性报纸;评论杂志;(报刊的)评论栏目,评论版 Could youpassme the review (section of thepaper),please? 把(报纸的)评论版部分递给我好吗?
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesJudgments and analyses
analysis anatomy appraisal appraisee assessment construction counter-interpretation impact statement interpretation job evaluation judgment misanalysis notice rap rating re-evaluation re-review restudy self-appraisal verdict See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Papers and compositions
Newspapers & magazines: headlines & features
review noun (MILITARY )
[C ] aformalmilitaryceremonyin whichforcesare reviewed by animportantperson:
检阅;阅兵,阅兵式 Manydiplomatsattendedanavalreview tomarktheanniversaryof the end of thewar. 很多外交官参加了在战争结束周年纪念上举行的海军阅兵式。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesMilitary training & ceremonies
assault course attention civil defence drill ease fall fall in fatigue fight song march obstacle course pass out passing-out recon reconnaissance route march salute take the salute idiom tour troop See more results »
review noun (THEATRE ) SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSpectacles & performances
aerobatic amateur theater balancing act bullfight bullfighting double-header minstrel show music hall non-musical one-night stand one-person rendering routine spectacle spectacular street theatre stripping striptease super-spectacle supershow See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
review noun (STUDY )
[C ] US informationor apracticeexerciseabout asubjectto bestudied:
(一门课程的)材料,练习,习题 Theirteacherdistributeda review for theexam. 他们的老师发了一套考试复习题。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPreceding and introducing
announce antedate beat build(someone/something) up countdown curtain-raiser emcee forerunner introduce introduction introductory lead lead up tosomething lead-in preamble predecessor preface preliminary prelude reintroduce See more results »
(Definition ofreview from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
review verb (THINK AGAIN )
C1 [T ] tothinkortalkabout something again, inorderto makechangesto it or to make adecisionabout it
审查;仔细审核 Thecommitteeis reviewing thecurrentarrangement/situation. 委员会正在审查目前的安排/研究当前的形势。
Let's review what hashappenedsofar. 我们谈谈到目前为止发生的事情吧。
He reviewed hisoptionsbefore making afinaldecision. 他在最后作出决定之前,对各种选择进行了斟酌权衡。
Withexamsapproaching, it's a goodideato reviewyourclassnotes. He reviewsfilmsfor thelocalnewspaper. Yourstartingsalaryis £13 000perannumand will be reviewedannually. Thelawsgoverningthepossessionoffirearmsare being reviewed. Thecompanyis reviewingitssecurityafter therobbery.
review verb (BOOK/FILM )
B2 [T ] Ifcritics review abook,play,film, etc. they writetheiropinionof it.
评论 I only go toseefilmsthat are reviewedfavourably. 我只去看那些获得好评的电影。
review verb (MILITARY )
[T ] When animportantpersonreviewsmilitaryforces, theyformallyvisitandlookat them.
检阅(部队) The Queen reviewed thetroopson herrecentvisit. 在最近的访问中,女王检阅了部队。
review verb (STUDY )
[I orT ] US
(UK revise ) tostudyagain something you have alreadylearned, inpreparationfor anexam
学习 We're reviewing (algebra)for thetesttomorrow. 我们正在为明天的(代数)考试进行复习。
review noun (THINK AGAIN )
C2 [C orU ] theactofconsideringsomething again inorderto makechangesto it, give anopinionof it orstudyit
审查;仔细审核 anannualreviewof companyperformance 对公司业绩每年一度的审核
a reviewof the year'stopnewsstories 评审年度重大新闻事件
Salarylevelsareunder review at themoment. 目前正对工资水平进行评审。
Yourlicencewillcome up for review everyJuly. 你的执照每年7月要接受审核。
There's agenerousreview of thebookin today'snewspaper. The reviewexposedwidespreadcorruptionin thepoliceforce. Thegovernmenthasorderedajudicialreview. The reviews of hislatestmovieshave beenhighlycomplimentary. A review of the firm'ssafetyproceduresrevealedseriousproblems.
review noun (BOOK/FILM )
B1 [C ] areportin anewspaper,magazine, orprogrammethat gives anopinionabout a newbook,film, etc.
评论 Derek writesfilm/theatre/book reviews for thenewspapers. 德里克为报纸写影/剧/书评。
Theplaygot excellentreviews when it was firstseen. 这部剧首演就获得了极高的评价。
[C usually singular ] a (partof a)newspaperormagazinethat hasarticlesonfilms,books,travel,famouspeople, etc.
评论性报纸;评论杂志;(报刊的)评论栏目,评论版 Could youpassme the review (section of thepaper),please? 把(报纸的)评论版部分递给我好吗?
review noun (MILITARY )
[C ] aformalmilitaryceremonyin whichforcesare reviewed by animportantperson
检阅;阅兵,阅兵式 Manydiplomatsattendedanavalreview tomarktheanniversaryof the end of thewar. 很多外交官参加了在战争结束周年纪念上举行的海军阅兵式。
review noun (STUDY )
[C ] US informationor apracticeexerciseabout asubjectto bestudied
(一门课程的)材料,练习,习题 Theirteacherdistributeda review for theexam. 他们的老师发了一套考试复习题。
review | American Dictionary
toconsidersomething inorderto makechangesin it,studyit, or give anopinionabout it:
Officials have to review thetextbefore it’s madepublic.
Pauline Kael reviewedmovies(=wroteopinionsaboutmovies) for "The New Yorker."
Shespenthalfthenightreviewing hernotesfor theFrenchtest(=studyingthem again) .
(Definition ofreview from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
[C orU ] MANAGEMENT theprocessofcarefullyexaminingasituationtofindout whetherchangesorimprovementsneed to be made:
review of sth The nextscheduledreview ofbonusrateswill takeplaceearly in the newyear.
Thematteriscurrentlyunder review .
call for/order a review (of sth) The Treasuryselectcommitteecalled lastmonthfor a review of the bank'ssupervisoryrole.
conduct/carry out a review (of sth) Outsideconsultantshave been called in toconducta review of the firm'sbusinessstructure.
launch/complete/conclude a review (of sth) None of themajormediacompanieswill beabletoactuntil theOfficeof Fair Tradingconcludesitsreview ofcommercialbroadcasting.
a strategic/independent/comprehensive review Currentchairman, Richard Carter, hasannouncedastrategicreview.
[C ] areportthatcontainsimportantinformationabout aparticularsubjectoractivity:
Currentbusinessframeworksandmethodologiesareanalysedin the reviewappearingin Section 2 of thebook.
Ofcom hasrecentlypublisheditsreview of thetelecomsmarket.
Ourannualreview andaccountsarepublishedeachyear.
[C ] ashortarticlethat someone writesexpressingtheiropinionabout something such as a newproductorservice:
Ourwebsiteenablesshoppersto make side-by-sideproductcomparisonsandreadcustomerreviews.
Despitemixedreviews , themoviewas ahugebox-officesuccess.
[C ] ACCOUNTING ,FINANCE anexaminationof theaccountsof abusinesstocheckthat they have been doneaccordingtoacceptedstandards:
The Committeereceivedreportsfrom theexternalauditorson theconductoftheiraudit,theirreview of theaccounts, andtheircommentsonriskmanagement.
See also peer review
performance review
MANAGEMENT tocarefullyexamineasituationtofindout whetherchangesorimprovementsneed to be made:
Experts areurgingborrowers to reviewtheirmortgagearrangementsand, if they can, toswitchnow to abetterrate.
Theairlinesaid it wouldcontinuetoreview thesituation .
The EEOC (Equal Employment OpportunityCommission)reviews allcases before anylawsuitscan befiled.
be reviewed by sb/sth Theproposedprojectwill be reviewed by severalfederalagencies.
toprovidea writtendescriptioncontainingimportantinformationabout aparticularsubjectoractivity:
Beforemovingonto the nextchapter, we review somekeyfactorsthatlimittheimpactofCEOswithin thecorporatestructure.
to write ashortarticleexpressingyouropinionabout something such as a newproductorservice:
Customers reviewingdigitalcamerasareaskedtoidentifywhether they areamateurorprofessionalphotographers.
ACCOUNTING ,FINANCE toexaminetheaccountsof abusinesstocheckthat they have been doneaccordingtoacceptedstandards:
The Auditor'sOfficegenerallyreviews thebooksofpublicagenciesevery threeyears.
(Definition ofreview from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof review review
The second uses qualitative methods to examine themes and issues developed from this literaturereview . From theCambridge English Corpus
The author is quick to point out, however, that the models reviewed do not account for all error data. From theCambridge English Corpus
This article reviews empirical studies from both the architectural and the psychological literature. From theCambridge English Corpus
Two decisions have far-reaching implications for the validity of the results reported in thisreview . From theCambridge English Corpus
Based on this definition, lifereview is a particularly structured form of reminiscence. From theCambridge English Corpus
Thisreview examines the roles of the major fibrinolytic factors involved in clot lysis. From theCambridge English Corpus
We willreview herein some of the evidence and the caveats surrounding the neurodevelopmental hypothesis. From theCambridge English Corpus
Truncated literature search strategies may often lead to uncertainty surrounding the conclusions of areview . From theCambridge English Corpus
Nonshared environment : a theoretical, methodological, and quantitativereview . From theCambridge English Corpus
Thisreview of assessment research might be organized around assessment or curriculum themes. From theCambridge English Corpus
This is a straightforward book toreview , but a rather more difficult one to recommend to readers. From theCambridge English Corpus
All types of studies and participants were included in the literaturereview . From theCambridge English Corpus
The authorsreview evidence indicating that dynamic structural interactions between astrocytes and synapses affect hippocampal synaptic physiology, behavior, and disease. From theCambridge English Corpus
Most of the research reviewed in the preceding nine categories tends to favor the 2-gen over the 1-gen model. From theCambridge English Corpus
Section 8 reviews some closely related work, section 9 makes some suggestions for future work, and section 10 concludes. From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith review review These are words often used in combination withreview .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
accountability review
Unsatisfactory responses will be taken up within individual regions throughout the accountability review process.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
annual review
Annual review of research will comment only on the 'topic familiar ity' aspect.
From theCambridge English Corpus
appellate review
Customs appealed to the divisional court for an appellate review.
This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.