单词 | in either event |
释义 | in either eventin either of twosituations: I can'tdecidewhether toacceptthe New York or the Chicagojob, but in eithereventI'll have tomove. We don'tknowif she'll befoundguiltyorinnocent, but in eithereventshe'll beallowedto gofree, given thecharges. Thedocumentsshould besubmittedmonthlyorquarterly, but in eitherevent, they mustarrivewithin tenworkingdaysof theagreeddate. I'm notsurewhether hisparentsdisinheritedhim or whether herefusedtheirmoney. In eitherevent,moneywas always aproblemfor him. She may have beentrickedor she may haveactivelycommittedfraud. In eitherevent, she hasshownherselfunfittobecomedirectorof theinstitute. See also event |
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