uk/ɪnˈfleɪt/us/ɪnˈfleɪt/inflateverb[I or T](FILL WITH AIR)
to make somethingincreaseinsizebyfillingit withair, or toincreaseinsizewhenfilledwithair:
He inflated theballoonswithhelium.他给气球充了氦气。
Enlarging and inflating
- augmentation
- balloon
- bloat
- broaden
- build(someone/something)up
- bulk
- expand
- explosively
- flare
- fluffsomethingup
- implacably
- inflation
- lengthen
- puff
- pumpsomeoneup
- reinflate
- reinflation
- scalesomethingup
- stretch
- widen
inflateverb[I or T](MAKE LARGER)
tobecomeor to make somethinglargeror moreimportant:
They inflatedtheirpartin therescueeverytimethey told thestory.他们每次讲这个故事时都要夸大自己在营救中的作用。
The star'segohas inflated todangerousproportions.
Exaggerating & playing down
- bloviate
- blowsomethingout of proportionidiom
- cartoonish
- catastrophize
- dramatization
- dramatize
- exaggerate
- minimize
- over-egg
- overboard
- overdramatic
- overdramatize
- overembellish
- overplay
- overstatement
- pile
- proportion
- stretch the truthidiom
- understate
inflateverb[I or T](ECONOMY)
finance & economicsspecialized
to have orcauseageneralincreaseinpricesandeconomicactivity:
There have beeneffortsto inflate theeconomyandpropupassetprices.
There is atheorythat you shouldborrowwhenyourmoneycanbuysoundassetslikegoldandrealestateandpayoff thatdebtwithcheapermoneyas aneconomyinflates.
Price increases
- accrual
- added value
- anti-inflation
- anti-inflationary
- appreciate
- counter-inflation
- counter-inflationary
- go through the roofidiom
- inflationary
- inflationary spiral
- overheat
- reinflate
- reinflation
- rise
- rocket
- roof
- runsomethingup
- shooting
- shrinkflation
- skyrocket
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