thepowerto have aneffectonpeopleor things, or apersonor thing that isableto do this:
影响,作用;有影响的人(或物)Helen's abad/goodinfluenceonhim.海伦对他有不良/好的影响。
Hehasahugeamountof influenceoverthecitycouncil.他对市政委员会有着巨大的影响。
Christopherhopedtoexerthis influence to make themchangetheirminds.克里斯托弗希望利用自己的影响迫使他们改变主意。
At thetimeshe wasunder theinfluenceofherfather.她当时受到父亲的影响。
- Mygrandmotherhad astronginfluence on my earlychildhood.
- Welivein anincreasinglysecularsociety, in whichreligionhas less and less influence onourdailylives.
- Shefellunder the influence of anolderstudent.
- Histeacherdescribedhim as anoisy,disruptiveinfluence inclass.
- The country'sgreatinfluence in theworldisdisproportionatetoitsrelativelysmallsize.
Power to control
- ascendancy
- authoritarianism
- be abovesomeone'spay gradeidiom
- big beast
- buysomethingin
- cradle
- hegemonic
- hegemonism
- hegemony
- ingrain
- initiative
- lever
- leverage
- predominance
- puissance
- pull
- redetermination
- responsibility
- sway
- tooth
under the influence
toaffectorchangehow someone or somethingdevelops,behaves, orthinks:
影响She's very good at makingfriendsand influencingpeople.她很擅长交友并对他人施加影响。
[+ obj + to infinitive]What influenced youtochooseacareerinnursing?什么使你选择了护士这个职业?
to have power to cause a change in someone or something
- affectLow-income women were disproportionately affected by the legislation.
- influenceThe jury could have been influenced by all the media coverage surrounding the case.
- be/fall under someone's influence/spellThe young queen seemed to fall under the spell of her counsellor, believing everything he told her.
- be under someone's spellWe warned her about him, but all he had to do was turn on the charm and she was under his spell.
- guideHe is guided by the core beliefs of his religion.
- impactSevere storms will impact on travel across the region tonight.
- Somepeoplebelieveyourbiorhythmscan influenceyourmoodsandbehaviour.
- She had her ownstyleand was not influenced by thevagariesoffashion.
- People'svotinghabitsare influenced bypolitical,socialandeconomicfactors.
- What influenced you tochooseacareerinnursing?
- The government'scampaignisaimedat influencingpublicopinion.
Affecting and influencing
- across-the-board
- affect
- applicability
- be/fall undersomeone'sinfluence/spellidiom
- bear
- bear onsomething
- carry
- colour
- instrumental
- interinfluence
- involve
- jerk
- keepsomeoneon the railsidiom
- pen
- shape
- spill over
- start(something)off
- tastemaker
- tell againstsomeone/something
- thought leadership