uk/ˌɪn.fəˈdem.ɪk/us/ˌɪn.fəˈdem.ɪk/asituationin which a lot offalseinformationis beingspreadin a way that isharmful:
错误信息疫情,虚假信息泛滥According to the WHO, the COVID-19-related infodemic is just asdangerousas thevirusitself.世界卫生组织称,与COVID-19有关的错误信息泛滥与病毒本身一样危险。
Theleadersofsocialmediacompanieshavefailedtotacklethe infodemic ofmisinformation.社交媒体公司负责人未能解决虚假信息泛滥的问题。
- As the coronavirusspreads, so does an infodemic ofmisinformation.
- Fighting infodemics andmisinformationis ajointeffort.
- Sixmonthsafter theWorldHealth Organization firstdeclaredan "infodemic", what have welearnedabout coronavirusmisinformation?
Information and messages
- advertisement
- aide-mémoire
- ammunition
- basics
- dope
- fascia
- info
- infodump
- infographic
- information
- informational
- memorandum
- poop
- radiogram
- readout
- relabel
- repost
- shingle
- the bare bones
- the real deal