uk/ˌɪn.tə.dɪˈpen.dəˌɪn.t̬ɚ.dɪˈpen.də two or more thingsdependingon each other, or anexampleof this:
Global interdependency isn't a newphenomenon: theWallStreetstockmarketcrashof 1929 and theGreatDepressionaffectedtheentireworld.
There is anawarenessof the interdependencybetweenbusinessand thesystemswithin which itfunctions.
We musttackleinterdependenciesamongfood,energy, andwatersecurity.
- Weliveat atimeofincreasingculturalinterdependency.
- Wefocuson twoorganizationalfactors, motivators andinformation,recognizingtheirinterdependency.
- This interdependency betweenartandcraftisapparentin the way that Carey writes.
- Weconsiderdiverseecological,social,economic,cultural, andinstitutionalperspectives,recognizingtheirstronginterdependencies.
- Thegroupdevelopedaclearerunderstandingof the vulnerabilities and interdependenciesacrosstheenergysector.
Essential or necessary
- basically
- basis
- be a question ofdoing somethingidiom
- box ticking
- business-critical
- dependence
- elemental
- if need beidiom
- if/when push comes to shoveidiom
- incumbent
- indispensable
- inhere insomething
- necessity
- need
- needed
- needful
- non-discretionary
- owe
- symbiotically
- warrant