uk/ˌɪŋ.kjəˈbeɪ.ʃən/us/ˌɪŋ.kjəˈbeɪ.ʃən/incubationnoun[U](OF EGG)
theprocessin which abird, etc.keepsitseggswarmuntil theyoungcome out, or theprocessin which aneggdevelopsuntil thestageat which theyoungcome out:
孵化(蛋)The incubationperiodvariesdependingon thetimeofyearwhen theeggswerelaid.孵化期的长短取决于每年产卵的时间。
Thechemicalmakeseggshellssothinandporousthat theybreakduring incubation.这种化学物质使蛋壳变得非常薄和多孔,以至于在孵化过程中会破裂。
- We wouldremovetheeggsfor incubation.
- Thesexof theyoungdependson thetemperatureduring incubation.
- Thebuildingshave anegativeeffectonturtlenestsbecause theyshieldthesandfrom thesunandincreasethe incubationtime.
Zoology: ornithology & bird-watching
- aerie
- birdsong
- birdwatcher
- birdwatching
- eggshell
- feeding station
- flightless
- flyer
- hide
- hover
- incubate
- incubator
- ornithological
- ornithologist
- ornithology
- twitcher
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Animal reproduction
incubationnoun[U](OF DISEASE)
theprocessorperiodoftimein whichharmfulbacteriaorvirusesincreaseinsizeornumberin a person's or animal'sbodybut do notyetproducetheeffectsofdisease:
(细菌或病毒在体内)潜伏Insmallpox, there is an incubationperiodof 8–18daysbetweeninitialinfectionand firstsymptoms.天花,从最初感染到出现第一个症状之间有8到18天的潜伏期。
After about twoweeksof incubation,symptomsbegin.大约两星期的潜伏期之后,症状开始出现。
- The incubationperiodfor thediseasecan last for severalweeks.
- The incubation forhepatitisA is 15 to 50days.
- There had been nomovementsofbirdsoff thefarmsince the incubation of thediseasestarted.
Bacteria, moulds, germs & viruses
- adenovirus
- aerobe
- amoebic
- anti-HIV
- antimicrobial
- bacterium
- germicidal
- germophobe
- hen of the woods
- human immunodeficiency virus
- incubation period
- magic mushroom
- mildew
- spike protein
- staph
- staphylococcus
- strep
- streptococcal
- streptococcus
- taenia
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Passing on illness & causing disease