uk/pɪtʃ/us/pɪtʃ/pitchnoun(SPORTS FIELD)
Supportersinvaded(=ranonto)the pitch.球迷们跑进了球场。

- He was taken tohospitalafter hiscollapseon the pitch.
- Hedribbledtheballto theedgeof the pitch.
- At the end of thematch, the pitch was arealquagmire.
- Unfortunately thegamewascancelledbecause of awaterloggedpitch.
- Thefootballpitch wasabsolutelysodden.
Surfaces on which sports take place
- 18-yard box
- AstroTurf
- bound
- bowling green
- canvas
- climbing wall
- court
- goal line
- golf course
- ground staff
- out of boundsidiom
- playability
- playable
- playing field
- pump track
- recreation center
- rink
- sideline
- skatepark
- upright
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
thelevelordegreeof something:
水平;程度Thepianoandorganweretunedto the same pitch(=note).钢琴和风琴被定在同一音调上。
If youteachchildrenandadultsin the sameclass, it'sdifficultto get the pitch(=levelofdifficultyorinterest)right.如果你把孩子和成人放在同一个班级里教,就很难完全找出适合学生的难度和他们的兴趣。
thelevelof afeeling:
(感觉的)程度By thistimetheirdisagreementhadreachedsuch apitch that there was nohopeof anamicableconclusion.此时,他们的分歧已如此之大,不可能善罢罢休。
Thechildrenwereatfeverpitch(= veryexcited)thedaybefore theparty.派对的前一天孩子们特别兴奋。
Measurements in general
- bathymetric
- bathymetry
- be running atsomethingidiom
- calibrate
- calibration
- distance
- drop
- elevation
- factor
- full-scale
- kilo
- knee-deep
- lengthways
- longways
- metric
- metrication
- milli-
- proportion
- scale
- setting
aspeechoractthatattemptstopersuadesomeone tobuyor do something:
推销用语;推销The man in theshopgave me his(sales)pitch aboutqualityandreliability.商店里的那个男人对我大谈质量上乘信誉可靠之类的推销行话。
Shemadea pitchforthejobbut she didn't get it.她竭力争取这份工作,但却未得到。
[+ to infinitive]Thecitymadea pitchtostagetheOlympics.该市竭力争取主办奥运会。
aplacein apublicareawhere apersonregularlysellsgoodsorperforms:
摊位Theflowersellerwas at hisusualpitchoutsidethestation.那个卖花人在车站外他平时的摊位上。
Urging & persuading
- ambulance-chasing
- argumentation
- be/go on atsomeoneidiom
- blag
- blagger
- chivvy
- fob
- induce
- inveigle
- jolly
- lean
- lean onsomeone/something
- miseducate
- miseducation
- overencourage
- soft sell
- urge
- work onsomething
- wrap
- wrapsomeonearoundyourlittle fingeridiom
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Towns & regions: environments & localities
theamountofslope,especiallyof aroof:
(尤指屋顶的)坡度Thisroofhas a verysteep/high/gentle/lowpitch.这屋顶坡度很陡/大/平缓/小。
Parts of buildings: roofs & parts of roofs
- chimney
- chimney pot
- chimney stack
- cupola
- damp-proof
- eave
- fascia
- gutter
- mansard roof
- onion dome
- pediment
- pinnacle
- rafter
- re-roof
- rib
- roofing
- roofless
- rooftop
- soffit
- sun deck
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Slanting, sloping, leaning, tilting
athick,blacksubstancethat was used in the past to makewoodenshipsandbuildingswaterproof
沥青,柏油Building materials
- adobe
- airbrick
- asphalt
- bamboo
- biomaterial
- fibro
- flagged
- flagstone
- flitch
- floorboard
- lacquer
- paving
- prestressed
- putty
- razor wire
- rebar
- shingle
- wattle
- wattle and daub
- weatherboarding
athrowin abaseballgame:
投球a good/badpitch质量好/差的投球
Baseball & rounders
- at batidiom
- ballgame
- ballplayer
- base hit
- bases
- beat
- doctor
- fish
- flare
- foul
- frame
- peg
- pitcher
- second base
- shag
- shortstop
- slugger
- sock
- stickball
- strike
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
thepieceofgroundon which you can put up atent,parkacaravan, etc.:
宿营地Wechosealargelevelgrassypitch forourcaravan.我们选了一大片平坦的草地停放我们的旅行拖车。
- awning
- billy
- bivouac
- bivvy
- bivvy sack
- camping
- camping site
- campsite
- canopy tent
- canvas
- caravan site
- caravanning
- encampment
- ridge pole
- ridge tent
- sleeping bag
- tent city
- tent pole
- tented village
- trailer park
[IorT,usually+ adv/prep]
tomoveor bemovedsuddenly,especiallybythrowingor beingthrown:
(使)突然移动;(尤指)投,扔She pitched thestoneintotheriver.她把石头扔到河里。
Thebikehitarutand I was pitched(forward) ontotheroad.自行车卡进车辙,我重重地(向前)摔在路上。
Theshippitchedup and down/fromsidetosidein theroughseas.船在汹涌的海浪里上下/左右颠簸。
- arm
- cast
- flick
- fling
- heave
- hurl
- outpitch
- overhand
- peg
- pelt
- project
- sling
- stone
- thread
- throwsomethingin
- toss
- underarm
- underhand
- wang
- whang
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
General terms used in ball sports
inbaseball, tothrowaballtowards theplayerwith thebatinorderfor them totrytohitit:
投(球)Who will be pitching first for theWhiteSox thisevening?今晚谁是白短袜队第一个投球的?
Baseball & rounders
- at batidiom
- ballgame
- ballplayer
- base hit
- bases
- beat
- doctor
- fish
- flare
- foul
- frame
- peg
- pitcher
- second base
- shag
- shortstop
- slugger
- sock
- stickball
- strike
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
to put up atentand make itreadyto use:
支,搭(帐篷)We pitchedcamp/ourtentin theshade.我们在阴凉处安营/搭起帐篷。
- awning
- billy
- bivouac
- bivvy
- bivvy sack
- camping
- camping site
- campsite
- canopy tent
- canvas
- caravan site
- caravanning
- encampment
- ridge pole
- ridge tent
- sleeping bag
- tent city
- tent pole
- tented village
- trailer park
toexpressor set something at aparticularlevel:
调校至某一水平Thetunewas pitched(= thenotesin it were)too high for me toreachthetopnotes.调定得太高,高音处我唱不上去。
A teacher's got to pitch alessonattherightlevelfor thestudents.老师必须把课的难易程度定得与学生的水平相符。
Playing music
- accompaniment
- accompany
- air guitar
- beatsomethingout
- beatbox
- blow
- conduct
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingout
- play (something) by earidiom
- playability
- playable
- pump
- roof
- tap
- transpose
- transposition
- ultra-smooth
- vibe
- wah-wah
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
totrytopersuadesomeone to do something:
竭力劝说She pitched herideatome over abusinesslunch.她在一次吃工作午餐时竭力向我游说她的想法。
They are pitchingforbusinessat themoment.他们正在招揽生意。
Urging & persuading
- ambulance-chasing
- argumentation
- be/go on atsomeoneidiom
- blag
- blagger
- chivvy
- fob
- induce
- inveigle
- jolly
- lean
- lean onsomeone/something
- miseducate
- miseducation
- overencourage
- soft sell
- urge
- work onsomething
- wrap
- wrapsomeonearoundyourlittle fingeridiom
[Iusually+ adv/prep]
倾斜Slanting, sloping, leaning, tilting
- acclivity
- angle
- angled
- askew
- bank
- cocked
- lopsided
- obliquely
- pitched
- rake
- raked
- roll
- shelve
- slope
- sloping
- steep
- steepen
- tilt
- tip(something/someone)over
- tippy
be pitched intosomething
Phrasal verbs
pitch in
pitch intosomeone/something
pitch up