uk/pluːm/us/pluːm/[Cusually plural]
羽毛,翎fansmade ofostrichplumes驼鸟羽毛做的扇子
See also
nom de plume

Barnabas Kindersley/Dorling Kindersley/GettyImages
adecorationthatlookslike severallargefeatherstiedtogether,wornbysoldiersontheirhatsorattachedtohorses'heads:

ac_bnphotos/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
a plume of dust, smoke, etc.
atall,thinmassofsmoke,dust, orsimilarsubstancethatrisesup into theair:
羽毛状灰尘/烟雾等After theexplosion, a plume ofsmokecould beseenin theskyformilesaround.爆炸发生后,方圆几英里都能看得见天空中的烟雾。
The skin, hair & bone of non-human animals
- astrakhan
- baleen
- bristly
- bushy
- coated
- dander
- eiderdown
- feather
- fleece
- fur
- hackles
- horsehair
- lambswool
- mane
- mother-of-pearl
- sable
- seashell
- sheepskin
- spine
- wishbone
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Hats & scarves
Ceremonial clothes & objects
Precipitation: clouds, dew, fog & steam