used todescribealowvoiceor way ofspeakingusinglongvowels, of atypethoughtto betypicalof theEnglishuppersocialclass:
(嗓音)拿腔作调的,做作的a plummyvoice矫揉造作的腔调
a plummyaccent做作的口音
Ways of speaking
- accented
- accentuation
- bray
- cacoepy
- cut glass
- dialectal
- drawl
- elocution
- enunciate
- flap
- fluent
- jawbreaker
- lilt
- pragmatics
- pronunciation
- prosodic
- prosody
- signer
- sociolect
- toned
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Describing qualities of the human voice
having thetasteordarkreddish-purplecolourofplums:
(味道、颜色)像梅子的Thiswinehas analmostplummyflavour.这酒有股梅子味。
Flavours & tastes
- -flavoured
- acidic
- acidulous
- aftertaste
- ageusia
- astringency
- dishwater
- flavourful
- flavourless
- flavoursome
- fruitiness
- fullness
- pungent
- saltiness
- salty
- savory
- savoury
- seasoned
- velvety
- watery
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Wines & winemaking
Less common colours