USuk/ˈplʌʃ.i/us/ˈplʌʃ.i/atoymade fromclothandfilledwith asoftmaterialso that it ispleasanttohold, often in theformof ananimal:
(动物)毛绒玩具The littlegirlwascarryingagiraffeplushie.小女孩抱着一只长颈鹿毛绒玩具。
Has anyoneseenthose plushiesongbirdsthat have the soundchips with arecordingof the bird'scall?有谁见过装有鸟鸣音乐芯片的、会唱歌的毛绒玩具鸟?

Danielle Haasjes/EyeEm/GettyImages
- Shepickedup a roundgreyplushie from thebed.
- In anattempttoheadoff thepossibilityof akangarooplushie orkoalat-shirtas asouvenir, I told her that IwantedTim-Tams.
- Ferguson has manycutefood-relatedcrochetedplushies under herbelt.
Toys & dolls
- balloon
- building block
- catapult
- chew toy
- doll's pram
- fidget
- fidget spinner
- finger puppet
- go-kart
- marble
- mud pie
- rocking horse
- sock puppet
- soft toy
- squirt gun
- squishy
- stacker
- stringed
- teddy
- tricycle