atemporarypositionorjobin anorganization:
临时职位(或工作)Ithinkwe canfinda placement for you in thesalesdepartment.我想我们可以在销售部给你临时安置个位置。
Thetraineeteachersdoaschoolplacement in thesummerterm.实习教师们在暑期课程班做临时工作。
Students thenundertakeaperiodofindustrialplacement.
See also
work placement
placementnoun(IN HOME, SCHOOL, ETC.)
theactofofficiallyputting someone in aparticularhome,institution(= aplacesuch as aprisonorhospital),schoolclass, etc.:
The state-runhomeis forchildrenawaitingplacement with afosterfamilyoradoptiveparents.
Herresearchshowsabigincreasein the out-of-home placements forkidsbeing taken fromtheirfamilyand being put infostercare.
This is atemporaryprisonforinmatesawaitingplacement in thefederalpenalsystem.
Thefrailandelderlymay need placement in along-termcarefacility.
Placement in aself-containedclassroomwillmeanthatyourchildwill be taken out of themainstreamclassroomfor allacademicsubjects.
There are manydogsawaitingplacement insuitablehomes.
See also
Advanced Placement
placement test
Houses & homes
- A-frame
- almshouse
- apartment
- apartment building
- door
- dorm
- dormitory
- dosshouse
- duplex
- multifamily
- Nissen hut
- non-housing
- old people's home
- palace
- tollhouse
- tower block
- town house
- townhouse
- tract house
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Accommodating people
Classes & courses
thepositionof something, or theactof putting something in aparticularposition:
We put a lot ofthoughtinto the placementofthefurniture.
Thearchitectureand the placement ofshopsis notrandom: everything isminutelyplanned.
Thedirectorgivesinstructionsfor the placementofthecamera.导演对摄影机的位置给出指令。
Stent placement wassuccessfulfor allpatients.
They weresupervisingthecarefulplacement of thecratein the back of thetruck.
See also
product placement
Placing and positioning an object
- -based
- appose
- around
- changesomethingaround
- circle
- consign
- fit
- install
- lie
- manoeuvrable
- pile(something)up
- plant
- reinstall
- reinstallation
- relocate
- reorientate
- reorientation
- stick
- transpose
- transposition