tocauseworry,pain, ordifficultyto someone or something over aperiodoftime:
不断困扰;折磨;使受煎熬Financialproblemshave been plaguingtheirnewbusinesspartners.财政问题一直困扰着他们的新商业合作伙伴。
My shoulder's been plaguing me allweek.我的肩膀整个星期都很难受。
(尤指因不停提问而)使烦恼,打搅Thechildrenplagued himwithquestionsall throughlunch.吃午饭时孩子们不停地问他问题,使他很烦。
He's been plaguing meforaloanof thebook.他总是缠着我向我借那本书。
Causing feelings of anger and displeasure
- aggravate
- aggrieve
- alienate
- anger
- annoy
- bend
- get upsomeone'snoseidiom
- givesomeonethe shitsidiom
- go too faridiom
- goat
- grate
- joke
- nark
- nose
- rub
- rubsomeoneup the wrong wayidiom
- ruffle
- rufflesomeone'sfeathersidiom
- setsomeone'steeth on edgeidiom
- tit
uk/pleɪɡ/us/pleɪɡ/C2(alsothe plague,the Plague)
aseriousdiseasethatkillsmanypeople, often used to refer tobubonic plague, a veryinfectiousdiseasecausedbybacteriaspreadmainlybyfleas(=smallinsectsthatbite)onratsor otheranimals, thatcausesswelling,fever, and usuallydeathinhumans:
In 1349almosthalfthetownspeopleof Corkdiedof plague after theBlackDeatharrivedin thetown.
Thebooklooksatinfectiousdiseases, from the plague toSARS, and at howtreatmenthaschangedover thecenturies.
Somehow they hadsurvivedwhen the Plague came.
Theydescribedthehistoricalplagues that hadkilledmillions.
Black Death
a plague ofsomething
alargenumberof things that areunpleasantorlikelytocausedamage:
(令人烦恼或可能造成破坏的)一大群a plague ofinsects昆虫灾害
Unfortunately, thebumperharvestwasquicklyfollowedby a plague ofmice.
humorousA plague ofjournalistsdescendedon thetown.一大群记者来到镇上。
Computerusersall over theworldfaceda plague ofviruses.
Theysuffereda plague ofmechanicalproblemsduringtheirtrip.
Fevers & infectious diseases
- ague
- anthrax
- anti-malaria
- anti-malarial
- anti-plague
- anti-typhoid
- delirium
- fevered
- German measles
- glandular fever
- helicobacter pylori
- Lassa fever
- leishmaniasis
- Lyme disease
- measles
- meningitis
- rheumatic fever
- sleeping sickness
- sunstroke
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Difficult things and people