infinity pool
uk/ɪnˈfɪn.ə.ti ˌpuːl/us/ɪnˈfɪn.ə.t̬i ˌpuːl/aswimmingpoolin which thetopof thewateris at the samelevelas theedgessurroundingthepool, andseems, to someone in thepool, tostretchto thehorizon(= thepointwhere thelandappearstojointhesky):
(水面和游泳池的边沿一样高的)无边际游泳池Thehotelhas aninfinitypoolthatoverlookstheocean.旅馆有一座俯瞰大洋的无边际游泳池。

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- aquatics
- bathe
- bathing costume
- bathing trunks
- bellyflop
- coasteering
- dip
- dive
- diving
- dog paddle
- floaty
- freestyle
- snorkelling
- spray park
- spray pool
- sub-aqua
- swim
- swimathon
- swimmer
- wetsuit