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单词 informal
(ofsituations) notformalorofficial, or (ofclothing,behaviour,speech)suitablewhen you are withfriendsandfamilybut not forofficialoccasions
The twogroupsagreedtoholdan informalmeeting.两个集团同意举行一次非正式会议。
He's theidealsortofteacher-direct,friendly, and informal.他属于那种理想的教师——坦率、友好且不拘礼节。
"Hi" is an informal way ofgreetingpeople.“喂”是一种随意的问候方式。
More examples
  • What wasoncean informaleventhas nowbecomeinstitutionalized.
  • Peoplechattingat apartywill usually betalkingin an informalregister.
  • Many informalexpressionsaregainingcurrencyinseriousnewspapers.
  • Thepartyitself was afairlyinformalaffair.
  • Theystartedas informalgatheringsbut they havebecomeincreasinglyformalizedin the last fewyears.


Formal and informal language
We use formal language in situations that are serious or that involve people we don’t know well. Informal language is more commonly used in situations that are more relaxed and involve people we know well.
We use the term ‘register’ to refer to particular varieties or styles of speaking and writing. Registers vary because the language is used for different purposes, in different contexts and for different audiences. For example, there is a legal register, a register of advertising, registers of banking and a register of weather forecasting. We commonly recognise registers because of their specialised vocabulary but also because of particular uses of grammar. We also use the term register to refer to whether language is being used formally or informally:


We replaced one of the scheduled formal discussions with two parallelinformaldiscussions in the day room to explore the impact of context.
From theCambridge English Corpus
An individual is supposed to be influenced by these aspects ofinformaland formal care when striving toward an optimal formal-informalcare mix.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In addition to the theoretical grammar testing described above, we also plan aninformalevaluation of the usability of the system.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Theoretical linguists may wish for a stronger framework or tighter structure, but the book'sinformalstyle is more likely to attract and educate the public.
From theCambridge English Corpus
We have focused on features because ourinformalanalysis has revealed that that is what people typically do.
From theCambridge English Corpus
As aninformalregister, comic strips characteristically draw on colloquialisms, phonetic spellings, etc., to convey oral concepts in print.
From theCambridge English Corpus
However, a short period ofinformalcare may be preferred over a short period of formal care, because of relational aspects, for instance.
From theCambridge English Corpus
This varies from de jure recognition (by a small number of countries) to de factoinformallinkages.
From theCambridge English Corpus
This formal acknowledgement ofinformalcarers as principal providers of support was seen as a recognition that was somewhat overdue.
From theCambridge English Corpus
For the purposes of the model, people with no dependency are not regarded as receivinginformalcare.
From theCambridge English Corpus
This is possibly the most striking part of the dialect, especially at its mostinformal.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Anotherinformalsource of midwifery knowledge would have been relatives who practised midwifery or medicine.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Yet in both countries, relatively more women than men did not expectinformalcare when it might become necessary in the future.
From theCambridge English Corpus
For the 983 respondents without care at t0, logistic regression models were used to predict the transition toinformalhome-care at t1.
From theCambridge English Corpus
As few respondents used both formal andinformalhelp (<5 % in all four countries), they were added to the 'formal help' category.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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