achangein the way acountryisgoverned, usually to a differentpoliticalsystemand often usingviolenceorwar:
(通常指改变政治体制的)革命TheFrenchRevolutionchangedFrance from amonarchyto arepublic.法国大革命使法国由君主政体变成共和政体。
Thecountryseemsto beheadingtowards revolution.这个国家似乎正在走向革命。
- It was verydifficulttoencapsulatethestoryof the revolution in asingleone-hourdocumentary.
- Tomorrow is the 30thanniversaryof the revolution.
- Hebecameanationalherofor hispartin the revolution.
- Thewholeperiodleadingup to the revolution is aninterestingchapterin Britishhistory.
- Thebiggerfarmswere parcelled out after the revolution in 1973.
Taking action against people in power
- anarchist
- angry young man
- anti-apartheid
- anti-revolutionary
- anti-state
- insurgency
- insurrection
- jihadi
- mujahideen
- mutineer
- rebelliously
- rebelliousness
- recusant
- red flag
- revolt
- subversiveness
- suicide bomber
- terrorist
- topple
- troublemaker
a veryimportantchangein the way thatpeopledo things:
Penicillinproduceda revolutioninmedicine.青霉素的发现引起了医学上的一次革命。
- Trendspotter Faith Starrbelievesa revolution is going on in theworldofconferencing.
- Thedevelopmentof high-yieldvarietiesofriceproduceda revolution in the country'sagriculture.
- The newmaterialsbroughtabout a revolution inbuildingtechnology.
- Theinventionmarkedthebeginningof a revolution ininformationtechnology.
- Theindustrialrevolutioncreatedanenormousincreasein theproductionof manytypesofgoods.
Change and changes
- adjustment
- alteration
- anti-evolutionism
- be ahead of the curveidiom
- blip
- flip-flop
- fluctuation
- gradation
- gyrate
- gyration
- inconstancy
- reversal
- reversion
- rhythm
- sea change
- shakesomeoneup
- untick
- variation
- vicissitudes
- youthquake
revolutionnoun(CIRCULAR MOVEMENT)
旋转;绕转;循环运动The revolution of theeartharound thesunwasproposedby Copernicus.地球围绕太阳旋转这一观点是哥白尼提出的。
onecompletecircularmovementof something, forexampleawheel:
(轮子等的)一转,一圈Enginespeedcan bemeasuredin revolutionsperminute(abbreviationrpm).发动机的速度可以每分钟转数(缩写为rpm)来表述。
Revolving, rotating and spinning
- around
- around and aroundidiom
- backspin
- birl
- centrifugal
- circuit
- rev
- revolving
- rotary
- rotate
- rotation
- rotative
- span
- spin
- swing
- twirling
- twirly
- underspin
- wheel round
- whirly