(alsore-vote)uk/ˌriːˈvəʊt/us/ˌriˈvoʊt/tovoteagain on something, or tovoteagain in anelection:
TheHousewasforcedto re-vote thefarmingbill.
Given all we havelearned, Ithinkwe should revote and I will bevotingno.
- She said that shewantedto givelegislatorstheopportunityto revote.
- Voters can re-vote as manytimesas theywantif they make amistakeontheirballotpapers, aslongas they haven't put it in theballotbox.
- Acityrevoting on acountywidevotewouldbasicallyjust be anopinionbecause it would not havelegalstanding.
- absentee
- absentee ballot
- absentee vote
- absentee voter
- absentee voting
- entrance poll
- exit poll
- first-past-the-post
- flip
- franchise
- primary
- proportional representation
- proxy
- proxy vote
- proxy voter
- voting
- voting booth
- voting machine
- voting slip
- whistle-stop