uk/ˈɪn.həʊl.dɪŋ/us/ˈɪn.hoʊl.dɪŋ/aprivatelyownedareain aUnitedStatesnationalparkor anotherareaoflandthat ispubliclyowned:
Theysettledon an inholding inside EliasNationalPark.
- This inholding in theSantaFeNationalForest was acrownjeweloftendescribedas the "Yellowstone of the Southwest".
- It was hard tobelievethat thisincredibleinholding hadslippedthrough thefingersof thenationalparksystem.
- Akeyprivateinholding of 62.7hectareswasacquiredby theministrythrough acollaborativeeffort.
- Thislargeinholding ofdiverseterrainandvegetationis a hunter'sdream.
Geography: areas of land in general
- berm
- bioregion
- curtilage
- demesne
- ecoregion
- enclosure
- ground
- inland
- interior
- intermountain
- landbank
- non-desert
- orography
- parcel
- patch
- peatland
- reach
- sweep
- tract