agroupofstarsthat is one of thenearesttoEarth:
昴宿星团If youlookat the Pleiades through apairofbinoculars, youseemore than a hundredstars.如果你用双筒望远镜看昴星团,会看到一百多颗星星。
- Theconstellationof the Pleiades isknownas the Seven Sisters.
- The Pleiades can beseenwith thenakedeye.
- On theeveningof 3April,Venuspassesrightinfrontof the Pleiades.
- On the samedayeachyearthestarclusterPleiades firstbecamevisiblein thedawnsky.
- albedo
- Andromeda
- Aquarius
- Aries
- asteroid
- full moon
- galactic
- galaxy
- Gemini
- geostationary orbit
- observatory
- orbit
- orbital
- penumbra
- phase
- substellar
- sunspot
- supergiant
- supermassive
- supermoon
inGreekmythology(=ancientstories), sevensisterswho werechangedinto agroupofstarsby Zeus:
普勒阿得斯,阿特拉斯的七个女儿(希腊神话中被宙斯变作天上昴宿星团的七姐妹)The Pleiades were the sevendaughtersof Atlas and Pleione.“普勒阿得斯”是阿特拉斯和普列奥尼奥所生的七个女儿。
- The Pleiades werepursuedby thehunterOrion.
Mythology: Greek & Roman myth
- ambrosia
- Andromeda
- Aphrodite
- Apollo
- Ares
- cupid
- Delphi
- Delphic
- Demeter
- Diana
- harpy
- Jupiter
- Mars
- Minerva
- minotaur
- muse
- Venus
- Vesta
- Victoria
- Zeus
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Mythological & legendary characters