point of sale
businessspecializeduk/ˌpɔɪnt əv ˈseɪl/us/ˌpɔɪnt əv ˈseɪl/pluralpoints of sale(abbreviationPOS)aplacewhere something issoldto thepublic, or theplacewhere someonepaysfor something:
销售点,售货点Manyrestaurantsaresellingpurifiedtapwater, which isbottledcloseto thepointofsale.很多餐厅都在销售纯净自来水,而这些水都是在销售点附近灌装的。
Refunds will beprovidedatpointofsaleforfansunableto go to therelevantdates.对于无法在相关日期前往的球迷,我们将在销售点提供退款。
We willexpectthisinformationto bedisplayedat allpointsofsaletoenablepeopleto make aninformedchoice.我们希望在所有销售点都能展示这些信息,以便人们做出明智的选择。
- With contactlesscards,bankaccountsaredebitedat thepointofsale.
- Shefavoursafeethat everybuyerof a TV wouldpayat thepointofsaletofinancearecyclingprogramme.
- auction
- Black Friday
- bundle
- bundling
- chain of production
- concession
- outsell
- oversell
- panic selling
- peddle
- pile
- pile it high and sell it cheapidiom
- salesmanship
- sell out
- sellsomethingoff
- sellout
- shift
- soft sell
- sold
- sting