uk/ɪnˈdʒek.ʃən/us/ɪnˈdʒek.ʃən/injectionnoun[C or U](DRUG)
theactof putting aliquid,especiallyadrug, into a person'sbodyusing aneedleand asyringe(=smalltube):
注射Dailyinsulininjections arenecessaryfor somediabetics.有些糖尿病患者必须每日注射胰岛素。
Thissteroidis sometimes givenbyinjection.这种类固醇有时通过注射注入体内。

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- Myarmwas verytenderafter the injection.
- If I'mtalkingabitfunnilyit's because I've just had an injection in mymouth.
- Mostpatientsfindthat thenumbnessfrom the injectionwearsoff after about anhour.
- We tookourcatto the vet's foritsannualcatfluinjection.
- The injectionprovidessometemporaryrelieffrom thepain.
Medicine in different forms
- blister pack
- bolus
- booster
- Caplet
- chemotherapy
- dosage
- dose
- elixir
- enema
- injectable
- jab
- jag
- knockout drops
- medication
- mixture
- patent medicine
- pharmaceutical
- phial
- prescription
- wonder drug
injectionnoun[C or U](SOMETHING NEW)
theintroductionof something new that isnecessaryorhelpfulto asituationorprocess:
投入;增添;引入,带来Acashinjection of £20 million will be used toimprovethehealthservice.2000万英镑将被投入用于改善医疗服务。
an injection ofhumour/excitement增添幽默/刺激
- afresh
- be ahead of the curveidiom
- box-fresh
- brand new
- breath
- imaginative
- infancy
- ink
- innovation
- newborn
- newfound
- newish
- newly
- newness
- novel
- novelty
- the avant-garde
- the ink is not dry/still wetidiom
- up-to-the-minuteidiom
- youth