atownby theseaor by ariverthat has aharbour, or theharbouritself:
We had a goodviewof all theshipscoming into/leavingport.所有进/出港的轮船我们都看得很清楚。
- ThepipelinewasconstructedtotransportoilacrossAlaskato ports on thecoast.
- During the 18th and 19thcenturiesthevillagewas abustlingriverport.
- This is one of thefurthermostports ofnorthernEurope.
- The Estonian port of Tallinn was blockaded for atimebySovietwarships.
- At the port shemanagedto get apassageon anoutward-boundship.
Ports & docks
- anchorage
- basin
- boatyard
- breakwater
- derrick
- dock
- dockyard
- free port
- harbour master
- haven
- marina
- passport control
- quayside
- sea wall
- shipyard
- slip
- superport
- terminal
- the dockside
- wharf
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Towns & regions: towns, cities & villages (general)
apartof acomputerwherewiresfrom otherpiecesofequipment, such as aprinter, can beconnected
kreci/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Computer hardware
- 3-D printer
- beamer
- blackberry
- brick
- bubblejet
- card reader
- data projector
- flat screen
- gamepad
- hard drive
- microchip
- optical reader
- optically
- palmtop
- patch
- patch intosomething
- pen drive
- plug and play
- printer
- whiteboard
theleftsideof ashiporaircraft
Parts of ships & boats
- abaft
- bilge water
- boathook
- boiler room
- bowline
- cleat
- cockpit
- couchette
- escape hatch
- keel
- paddle
- periscope
- propeller
- spar
- steerage
- stem
- sun deck
- superstructure
- topsail
- waterline
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Air travel: parts of aeroplanes
astrong,sweetwinemade in Portugal
波尔图葡萄酒(葡萄牙产)Wines & winemaking
- -bodied
- ageworthy
- amontillado
- blender
- blush
- claret
- corkage
- fruitiness
- full-bodied
- grape
- hock
- jeroboam
- Lambrusco
- plonk
- plummy
- spritzig
- spumante
- super-smooth
- table wine
- terroir
[C]Australian English
箱子;袋子Containers for carrying personal possessions
- attaché case
- baggage
- baggage allowance
- billfold
- bindle
- briefcase
- fanny pack
- garment bag
- grip
- hand luggage
- handbag
- pannier
- pillbox
- pocketbook
- portmanteau
- rucksack
- sack
- saddlebag
- satchel
- washbag
a port in a storm
any port in a storm