alarge,thincaseused forcarryingdrawings,documents, etc.
vladvvm/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
acollectionofdrawings,documents, etc. thatrepresenta person's,especiallyan artist's,work:
(尤指艺术家的)代表作选辑She'stryingtobuildup a portfolioofworkto show duringjobinterviews.她正想整理出自己的代表作以便找工作面试时展示一下。
General and miscellaneous containers
- Ball jar
- bin
- bindle
- biscuit tin
- caddy
- drum
- flowerpot
- geocache
- gift box
- gunnysack
- paintbox
- pallet
- piggy bank
- planter
- punnet
- vivarium
- workbasket
- workbox
- wormery
- wrap
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Groups and collections of things
finance & economicsspecialized
acollectionofcompanysharesand otherinvestmentsthat areownedby aparticularpersonororganization
(个人或机构的)投资组合Stock markets
- algo
- anti-city
- anti-dilution
- anti-speculation
- anti-speculative
- bearish
- bond
- broker
- bull
- bull market
- non-controlling
- non-convertible
- non-cumulative
- non-directional
- non-discretionary
- payback period
- rogue trader
- stockbroker
- stockholder
- the Big Board
aparticularjoborareaofresponsibilityof amemberof agovernment:
(部长或大臣)职务;(部长或大臣)职责Theprimeministerofferedher theforeignaffairsportfolio.首相邀请她出任外交部长。
without portfoliopoliticsUKspecialized
InBritain, aministerwithout portfolio is animportantgovernmentofficialwho is not inchargeof aparticulardepartment, but who stilltakespartin thedecisionsof thegovernment.
不管部的(指在英国政府中任要职但并不具体负责某个部门)UK politics: government administration & organization
- awkward
- backbench
- Brexit
- collectivization
- hung parliament
- lord
- parliamentary
- partition
- PMQs
- policy-maker
- policy-making
- reprivatize
- reshuffle
- soviet
- the awkward gangidiom
- the House of Commons
- the House of Lords
- the Houses of Parliament
- three-line whip
- upper house
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Duty, obligation and responsibility
Government ministers & civil servants