anagreementin which youpayacompanymoneyand theypayyourcostsif you have anaccident,injury, etc.:
I'll need totake outextracarinsurance for anotherdriver.我需要为另一名驾车人购买汽车保险。
The insurance doesn'tcoveryou for(=include)householditems.这份保险没有包括你的家用物品。
When mybikewasstolen, Iclaimedonthe insurance.
See also
comprehensive insurance
health insurance
life insurance
National Insurance
social insurance
term insurance
third-party insurance
something thatprotectsagainst thepossibledamagingeffectsof something:
Households arestockpilingfoodas insuranceagainstpricerises.
Manypeopleareapplyingforoverseaspassportsas an insurancepolicyincaseoffuturechaos.
Owninggoldwasseenas an insurance against anunknownfuture.
anagreementin which thepeopleorganizingasportingeventpayacompanymoneyand theypaythecostsif there are anyaccidents,injuries, etc.causedby orhappeningduring theevent:
Insuringplayersagainstinjuryis just the mostobvioustypeoffootballinsurance.
If there is more then acertainnumberofspectatorsat aracethen insurancepremiumsskyrocket!
- It is alegalrequirementfordriversto havecarinsurance.
- Thetreatmentisexpensive, so we'reluckythatourinsurancecoversmost of it.
- It took the insurancecompanymonthstosettlemyclaim.
- It'sworthyourwhile taking outtravelinsurance before youtravel.
- Investors werebuyingoilas insurance against thefallingdollar.
- Thefactthat there has been nomajorattackin threeyearsis no insurance againstfutureattacks.
- Fish fromnativepopulationswereaddedto thestreamstoprovideakindof insurancepolicyfor thesurvivalof thefish.
- actuarial
- actuary
- assessor
- claim
- comprehensive
- copay
- coverage
- guarantee
- indemnity
- loss adjuster
- mature
- non-contributory
- non-network
- noncoverage
- Obamacare
- policyholder
- protect
- third-party insurance
- underwrite
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Defending and protecting
adjective[before noun]
ukusInsport, an insurancerun,point,goal, etc. is one that youscorewhen you already have aleadto make it moredifficultfor the otherteamtocatchup:
Kellyscoredahugeinsurancegoalto put the Puffins up by 2, with 3minutesleft.
They mightregretnot beingabletoscorean insurancerunin thatinning.
- Hehitawonderfulinsurancepointtwominutesintoinjurytime.
- Thewindblowingtheballoff theteewas areminderthat Irelandneededmore insurancepoints.
Sports & games generally
- battleship
- board sport
- buildering
- choose
- choose up sb/sth
- classic
- contact sport
- cross-country
- defensively
- game
- high jinks
- multi-sport
- parasport
- parkour
- pickup
- pre-game
- snooker
- sport
- the first person