uk/ɪnˌten.sɪ.fɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/us/ɪnˌten.sə.fəˈkeɪ.ʃən/thefactofbecominggreater, moreserious, or moreextreme, or of making something do this:
Homesalescould bethreatenedby thesuddenintensification of thefinancialcrisislastmonth.
thelikelyintensification of thestorm
Theraidwas thelatestintensification in the use offorce.
- Wildlife isthreatenedbecause of the intensification ofagricultureand the use ofpesticides.
- Work intensification can be adifficultproblemtotacklebecause,unlikeworkinghours, it isdifficulttoquantify.
- Mostmajorhurricanesbecomemajorhurricanesby going through somerapidintensification.
- There will be amajorintensification ofcompetitionacrossthecountrywhen thelawchanges.
Increasing and intensifying
- -ify
- accretion
- accumulate
- accumulative
- add fuel to the fireidiom
- additive
- blaze
- crank
- heighten
- hot up
- increase
- increment
- inflation
- mushroom
- redouble
- resurge
- rocket
- saturation
- scalesomethingup
- stake