adjective[before noun]
sciencespecialized(alsointer-annual)uk/ˌɪn.tərˈæn.ju.əl/us/ˌɪn.t̬ɚˈæn.ju.əl/happeningbetween or over two or moreyears:
Interannualclimatevariabilitycan be used toranktheseverityofindividualweatherevents.
Rainfallvariesfromyeartoyearbasedon inter-annualmovementin theboundarybetween thetropicalandsubtropicalzones.
- The interannual andannualvariabilities ofairtemperatureareimportant.
- Thischangehasradicallyalteredtherivers'seasonaland inter-annualflowpatterns.
- You canseean inter-annualoscillationwithshorttimescalesin thetropicalIndianOcean.
Years & yearly
- academic year
- ad
- Anno Domini
- annual
- annually
- bicentenary
- bissextile
- calendar year
- CE
- centenary
- financial year
- fiscal year
- leap year
- liturgical year
- tercentenary
- the Gregorian calendar
- year
- year end
- year-around
- year-round