rhythm guitarist
uk/ˌrɪð.əm ɡɪˈtɑː.rɪst/us/ˌrɪð.əm ɡɪˈtɑːr.ɪst/aguitarplayerwhoplayschords(= severalnotesplayedat the sametime)thatprovidetherhythmof apieceofmusic,especiallywhile asingersings, or othermusiciansplay, themaintune:
节奏吉他手RhythmguitaristAdamGaynorannouncedhisdeparturefrom theband.节奏吉他手亚当·盖诺宣布离开乐队。
Lawrence Lucie'sdexteritymade him one of thepre-eminentrhythmguitaristsin thejazzworld.劳伦斯·卢西的灵巧使他成为爵士乐界杰出的节奏吉他手之一。
- He and hisolderbrother,rhythmguitaristMalcolm Young,co-wrotethesongs.
- Asrhythmguitaristandvocalistwith The Lewis Family, Mr Lewisrecordedon more than 60albums.
- He used theconcertas anopportunitytoshowcasehis often undernoticedtalentas arhythmguitarist.
- accompanist
- arranger
- artist
- bandleader
- bandmaster
- crossover
- drum major
- drummer
- emcee
- fiddler
- muso
- non-musician
- oboist
- one-hit wonder
- one-man band
- soloist
- timpanist
- trombonist
- trumpeter
- violinist