along,narrowstripofmaterialused totiethings together or as adecoration:
(捆扎或装饰用的)带子,丝带,缎带Sandra oftenwearsa ribbon in herhair.桑德拉常在头发上扎条丝带。
Hetiedup thepresentwith ribbon.他用缎带将礼物包扎起来。

Poh Kim Yeoh/EyeEm/GettyImages
a ribbon ofsomethingliterary
along,narrowpieceof something:
一缕;一条;一排A ribbon ofroadstretchedaheadof usacrossthedesert.沙漠中的一条路宛如一根细长的带子,在我们前方延伸。
asmallpieceofcolouredmaterialgiven to someone in thearmedforcesto showapprovalandadmirationfortheirbraveactions
photogress/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
adecorativeobjectmade of ribbon given as aprizein acompetition:
Hewonablueribbon forbesthairdresser.

Tetra images/Getty Images /GettyImages
thenarrowstripofmaterialthatcontainstheinkfor atypewriter:
(打字机的)色带Mytypewriterneedsa new ribbon.我的打字机得换色带了。

ChiccoDodiFC/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Apinkribbon had beentiedaround thecrownof thehat.
- Sheshookherhairloosefromitsribbon.
- Theyboundthepackageswithbrightlycolouredribbon.
- Shetiedthe ribbontightlyin abow.
- Shewrappedthepresentandtiedit with ribbon.
Bands, straps and strips
- armband
- band
- bar
- binding
- blindfold
- braid
- collar
- dog collar
- duct tape
- gag
- loom bands
- masking tape
- raffia
- riband
- rubber band
- strap
- streamer
- stripe
- sweatband
- thong
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Prizes, rewards and medals
cut/tearsomething/someoneto ribbons
in ribbons