rice cake
uk/ˈraɪs ˌkeɪk/us/ˈraɪs ˌkeɪk/abiscuitmade ofpuffedrice:
脆米糕,脆米饼There are only 10caloriesin an unflavouredricecake.一块无味脆米糕的热量只有10卡路里。

etienne voss/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
a roundsweetfoodmade fromrice,especiallyinSouthAsiancooking:
(尤指南亚的)甜米糕,甜米饼The show-stealer is thedessertcalled kuih,stickyricecakesflavouredwithleavesfrom atropicaltree.最引人注目的是一种叫做“kuih”的甜点,一种用热带树叶调味的糯米饼。
- Ricecakeswithpeanutbutterprovideenergizingcarbohydrates.
- I used tofindricecakesboringlybland.
- Koreanricecakesaresoftandgooey, consisting ofrice,salt,sugar, and othervariedingredients.
- amaretto
- animal cracker
- Anzac biscuit
- baked goods
- bannock
- cracknel
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- crumb
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- shortcake
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