in a way thatmeansyou are notguiltyof acrime:
清白地,无罪地He said he hadobtainedthetelevisioninnocently, notknowingit had beenstolen.他说自己是通过正当渠道买来电视机的,不知道它是赃物。
Is there any waytheirhandscould have been innocentlycontaminatedwith theexplosive?有没有可能他们的手不知情地粘上了炸药粉末?
in a way that does notinvolvedoing anythingwrong, orsuggestsyou are notinvolvedin doing anythingwrong:
无害地,无辜地Herrelationshipwith amarriedcolleaguestartedinnocently enough.她与一位已婚同事的恋情开始时只是颇为寻常的交往。
"Have I done somethingwrong?" sheaskedinnocently.“我做错什么事了?”她天真地问道。
without anyknowledgeofunpleasantorevilthings inlife:
单纯地;天真地;幼稚地Theboyhadgrownup innocently, an onlychildin anaffluentsuburbanhome.作为郊区富裕家庭的独生子,这个男孩天真地长大。
Theyanswerquestionsso innocently, withchildlikecandour.他们很天真地回答问题,带着孩子般的坦率。
in a way that is notintendedtoharmanyone:
天真地I just innocentlyaskedif I could use his computer—I had noideait wouldupsethim.我只是天真地问我是否可以使用他的电脑——我不知道这会让他心烦意乱。
- They had been using thebrandnameperfectlyinnocently without beingawareit was atrademark.
- Heclaimedhe was innocentlyimplicatedin the mis-sellingscandal.
- We weresittinginnocentlyeatingourlunchwhen theincidenthappened.
- Thechildrenwereplayingquiteinnocently.
- At 40, I innocently andsmuglythoughtIknewwhat it would be like to beold.
- accuse
- acquit
- acquittal
- be above/beyond reproachidiom
- be in the clearidiom
- beat
- beat the rapidiom
- clear
- come up/out smelling of rosesidiom
- culpability
- culpably
- exculpate
- exculpatory
- guiltless
- innocence
- innocent
- reproach
- responsibility
- responsible
- smell
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Inexperienced (of people)
Not expected or planned