单词 | in pocket |
释义 | in pockethaving moremoneythan youstartedwith after anactivityinvolvingmoney: Even when we'vepaidallourexpenses, we should still be several hundredpoundsinpocket. Investors who putmoneyintofundsbefore thestartof 2000 areactuallystill inpocket. Compare out ofpocketmainlyUK Profits & losses
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Budgeting money insomeone'spocketin asituationwhere someone haspowerorcontrolover you: Theheadteacherhastheschoolgovernorscompletelyin herpocket/Theschoolgovernorsarecompletelyin theheadteacher'spocket. Controlling and being in charge
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