internet & telecomsspecializeduk/ˈpɔːt.lət/us/ˈpɔːrt.lət/apieceofsoftwarethat isdisplayedin aportal(= awebsiteorpageon theinternetthatallowspeople,especiallyagroupofpeoplewho areinterestedin aparticularsubject, to getusefulinformationand tofindotherwebsites):
门户组件This portlet can beaddedto apageby anyuserwith theappropriateprivileges.任何拥有适当权限的用户都可以将这个门户组件添加到页面中。
Theportalactsas asimpletestdrivertorunthe portletcontainer.这个门户网站可以作为该门户组件容器的简单测试驱动程序。
- You alsowantthe portlet tocontainhyperlinksto thenewssource.
- Register theproducerwith theapplicationthat willconsumethe portlet.
- You mustimplementsomeformofapplicationsecurityforusersto beabletopersonalizetheirportletviews.
Internet terminology
- above/below the foldidiom
- address bar
- affiliate link
- affiliate marketing
- all-you-can-eat
- domain name
- internet
- internet café
- internet-enabled
- interweb
- IP
- keyboard warrior
- refresh
- shopping basket
- upvote
- user experience
- utility computing
- UX
- virally
- visitor