torepresentordescribesomeone or something in apainting,film,book, or otherartisticwork:
描绘,描述,描写Thepaintingportrays abeautifulyoungwoman in abluedress.这幅画描绘的是一位身穿蓝色连衣裙的美丽少女。
Thewriterportrayslifein asmallvillageat theturnof thecentury.作家描写了世纪之交一个小村庄的生活。
If apersonin afilm,book, etc. is portrayed as aparticulartypeofcharacter, they arerepresentedin that way:
把(某人)刻画成,将(某人)塑造成Thefatherin thefilmis portrayed as afairlyunpleasantcharacter.影片中的父亲被塑造成一个很不招人喜欢的角色。
- Thebookportrays him as aheroof the WildWest.
- He was portrayed as aruthlessopportunistwhoexploitedthepublicityat everyopportunity.
- She was portrayed in thepapersas theembodimentofevil.
- Marilyn was portrayed as somesortofdim-witted,floozyblonde.
- He was portrayed as ahopelessdrunk.
Representation in art & in general
- anti-realism
- anti-realist
- Calvary
- capture
- complementary
- confederate
- non-complementary
- non-representational
- non-symbolic
- perspective
- pictograph
- realist
- represent
- representation
- representational
- semiotic
- simulacrum
- symbolism
- ultrarealism
- volumetric