theactofdividingsomething,especiallysomething thatcontainsdifferentpeopleoropinions, into twocompletelyopposinggroups:
The polarization ofsocietyintorichandpoorcanclearlybeseeninurbanareas.
Ourgoalislivelydiscussion, not polarization.
- The polarization ofwealthin the past 20yearshas beenextreme.
- Theyagreedtoworktogether to endracialpolarization.
- In thesedaysofincreasingpolarization, it'seasytoregardthose on the othersideof theargumentasevil.
Class & class-consciousness in general
- anti-bourgeois
- anti-snob
- arriviste
- bougie
- gentrification
- gentrify
- go/come down in the worldidiom
- go/come up in the worldidiom
- pedigreed
- petit bourgeois
- petty bourgeois
- pleb
- social mobility
- the bottom of the heapidiom
- the gentry
- the petite bourgeoisie
- the upper crust
- trailer trash
- underclass
- upper class
theactof makinglightwavesmovein onedirectiononly, ormainlyin onedirection:
(光的)偏振Polarization oflightoccurswhenlightisscatteredandorientedin acertaindirection.当光被散射并朝向某个方向时,就会发生光的偏振。
Amagneticfieldwillrotatetheplaneof polarization ofpolarizedlight.磁场会使偏振光的偏振面旋转。
theprocessoftreatingglasswith asubstancethatreducestheamountofreflectedlight, or thedegreeto whichglassreducestheamountofreflectedlight:
(玻璃的)偏光化3Dglassesthat have different polarizations for eacheyehaverecentlybeendeveloped.最近已经开发出了双眼镜片偏光化程度不同的3D眼镜。
Physical & chemical processes
- absorbable
- absorptive
- absorptive capacity
- acidification
- addition reaction
- condense
- electrolysis
- evaporate
- evaporation
- excitability
- excitation
- excite
- exergonic
- oxidize
- redox
- refraction
- rehydrate
- reliquefy
- reliquify
- solidify
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Physics: optics, microscopy & lasers
Eyesight, glasses & lenses