to sayfirmlyordemandforcefully,especiallywhenothersdisagreewith oropposewhat you say:
坚持说,强调;坚决要求[+ (that)]Greg still insists(that)he did nothingwrong.格雷格仍坚称自己没有做错任何事。
Please go first - I insist!请先走——我坚持这样!
She insistedonseeingherlawyer.她坚持要见她的律师。
- She's 85 now, but she will insist on doing all her ownhousework.
- The men at City Hall insist thatbigspendingcutsare just notpractical.
- Thepoliceinsist that they are notrelaxingtheircampaignagainstdrugs.
- They insisted that allswearwords bedeletedfrom thearticle.
- She insisted ontellingme everysingledetailof what they did to her inhospital.
Stressing & emphasizing
- accentuate
- accentuation
- all day longidiom
- ass
- believe
- drive/hammersomethinghomeidiom
- drop the micidiom
- exactly
- insistence
- intensely
- like blazesidiom
- misemphasis
- overemphasis
- overemphasize
- percent
- ram
- stress
- underscore
- work/laugh/freeze, etc.yourarse offidiom
- work/laugh/freeze, etc.yourass offidiom
Phrasal verb
insist ondoing something