adjective[before noun]
between thegrains(= verysmallpiecesornaturallines)of a hardsubstancesuch asrock:
Crystals arecommonlyfoundin the intergranularspace.
Inpurequartzthere is no intergranularfluid.
- The intergranularporespacesare usuallyalmostcompletelyfilledbycement.
- Theprocesstakesplacebydiffusionthrough the intergranularfluid.
- Thegypsumin thesandscementsintergranularporespaces.
- Theseflowsarecharacterizedby intergranularcollisions.
- Deformation will belocalizedin thesofterorganicmaterialbetween thegranules, whichallowsfor intergranulardisplacement.
Physics: the state of matter
- absorbency
- absorption
- acidic
- allotropic
- compressible
- concentration
- e-liquid
- fluid
- gaseous
- impermeable
- metallic
- neutral
- permeable
- pressurized
- slurry
- superabsorbent
- superwave
- unabsorbent
- unset
- viscosity