(of anidea,opinion,belief, etc.)acceptedorabsorbedso that itbecomespartofyourcharacter:
(想法、观点、信仰等)被吸收的,被内化的They are notmerelyinnerstatesbut interiorizedthoughts.它们不仅是内心的状态,而且是内化的思想。
Manypeoplehad this interiorisedbeliefthat "Northisbetter".许多人有“北方更好”这种内在的信念。
notallowingyourfeelingsoremotionsto show,althoughyouthinkabout them :
(想法、情绪)内敛的He's just too interiorized.他只是非常内向。
He was atypicalexampleof amisunderstood,neglected, interiorized,troubledyoungman withviolenttendencies.他是一个典型的被误解、被忽视、自闭且有暴力倾向的问题青年。
- Lushlytexturedlanguageand an interiorizedpersonalmythologycan be hardwork.
- Whileaddressingan interiorizedviewof anexteriorlandscapeI aminterestedindrawingconnectionsto the "garrisonmentality"conceptof thelandscape.
- Three or fourpeopleunderobservationwere just as interiorized, just astroubled, just asisolated, butshowednoinclinationtoshootanyone.
Accepting & agreeing
- acceptance
- accepting
- accommodation
- accreditation
- agree tosomething
- agree withsomething
- approved
- concur
- murmur
- reconcile
- rise
- root
- rule
- sanction
- self-acceptance
- self-acknowledged
- self-admitted
- settle onsomething
- signer
- unanimous
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