theactivityof makingclothesflatandsmooth, using aniron:
熨烫I mustdosome/the ironingtonight.我今晚必须熨衣服。

Aleksandr Zubkov/Moment/GettyImages
clothesthat arewaitingto beironedor have just beenironed:
待熨(或刚熨好)的衣服abasketfullof ironing一篮子需要熨烫的衣服
- Bring the ironingboardthrough here, then you canwatchTV while you do the ironing.
- There is ahugepileof ironing to be done, but I just can'tfaceittonight.
Cleaning clothes
- airer
- boil
- care label
- cleaner
- clothes brush
- clothes horse
- conditioner
- delouse
- handwash
- iron box
- ironing board
- launder
- launderer
- spin-dryer
- starch
- steam iron
- trouser press
- tumble dryer
- unironed
- washing machine